Operation:Family Stakeout

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It was Monday night. Eddie was sitting in the van with Danny, Baez, Joe and Jamie on the stakeout. They were getting access to the cameras and getting a team in place in case this went south. Joe was helping Jamie get wired up and set up to go.

"Alright hey here he is right on time." Danny said pointing to the monitor. He radioed one of the guys out on a rooftop with a rifle asking about any other suspicious vehicles or people around.

"Negative." He answered.

"Alright kid ready?" Danny asked. You could tell Jamie was a little nervous.

"Yeah let's get him." He said assuring himself. Eddie stood up and gave him a quick kiss for good luck and Jamie headed out the door.

"Alright if you can hear me adjust your hat." Danny said as they watched him approach the guy on the monitors. He did it. Eddie took a deep breath, nervous.

"He's got this Janko." Danny told her. She knew that but still was stressed. Jamie reached the guy he had been associated with a few days back about making this deal. They shook hands.

"You got the money?" He asked Jamie. He reached into his jacket and pulled out a ziplock of cash wadded up. The guy checked it out and then told Jamie to come with him.

"Alright he's moving." Danny radioed to the team hiding out.

"Joe get your guys ready here we go." Danny commanded.

"Yes sir." Joe said and left the van to go out with the rest of his unit. They continued to listen in on Jamies conversation with the Mandino gang, he then entered an old building.

"Anybody got eyes on him or any targets?" Danny radioed.

"Negative, the windows are blacked out." One of the men came back and said. Eddie couldn't even take this she was on the edge of her seat.

"Damn it." Danny said thinking, getting nervous.

Jamie over radio-"that's a nice piece you got their" he said to one of the guys he was with.

"Alright so their armed." Danny said to everyone in the van.

"We can't send them in blind Reagan, we don't know how many guys are in there." Baez said.

"So what now!?" Eddie said panicked.

"Just give Jamie a second he'll let us know how many..." Danny said listening intently. Eddie was confused but listened to Danny.

Mandino- "I'm not just gonna sell these to some white boy. Give me your phone, gotta make sure this ain't a set up."

"Damn it c'mon kid..." Danny said out loud to himself waiting for Jamie to say when to move in.

Jamie- "no problem man...buddy of mines got I bet around 9 similar machines. Might even be 10. Says he's ready for anything...that's all I wanna be"

"That was the signal! All units move in, 9 to 10 armed suspects!" Danny said and busted out of the back of the van running toward the building with Baez right behind him. Gun shots started firing back and forth. Danny was a little nervous knowing Jamie was in there.

"Reagan let them work!" Baez called at him. He listened to her and took cover waiting for the guys to control the situation.

He went in as the shots were diminished. Joe and his team came in and started doing there jobs checking all the guns out they were selling and finding more as they searched the place.

"You good kid?" Danny said finding Jamie who had the guy he made the deal with on the ground cuffed. He handed him off to another officer to take in.

"Yeah I'm good. This went south real quick though. Eddie okay?" He asked out of breath and then she walked in the door, her face fearful at first. Then she saw Jamie was okay. She walked over and gave him a hug.

"I'm good Janko. Promise." He assured her.

"Thanks for talking me out of this one." She said. Jamie just smiled and was so glad he did too. Who knows what could've happened.

"So far were counting 84 guns and 260 rounds of ammunition." Joe came over and told them.

"Nice work Sergeant." Joe said to Jamie and shook his hand.

"And the Mrs over here did a pretty good job at staying calm I'd say." He said and winked at Eddie, she laughed.

"Eh I don't know." Danny said joking.

"Yeah not sure if that sounds right." Jamie also laughed. Eddie hit him in the arm and smiled knowing she was playing a little overprotective.

They finished up at the scene and then all decided to go out for a drink.

"Cheers" Joe said holding up his shot glass.

"Wait wait...hey can I get a shot of water?" Eddie asked the bartender not wanting to feel left out. The guys smiled and waited until she could raise her glass up with them.

She held up her water to all their glasses and smiled at all of them.

"Cheers to family." She said. Everyone agreed and tossed them back.

"Woo!" Joe said feeling it.

"Oh I know same." Eddie said acting like she felt the same way. Jamie put his arm around her and smiled. They all had a great rest of the night just hanging out and talking.

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