Well This Is Awkward

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Date: Friday August 4th 2023
Alaina: 3 years
Ryan: 1 year

About 2 weeks had went by

Eddie was back to desk duty after her little fall the other week and she was okay with it. She knows she has to take it easy, especially now since something did in fact happen. It was 2pm and she was done for the day, she headed to Jamie's office.

"Alright Sarge I'm out."

"What? Your on til 4." He told her.

"No...I have an appointment remember?" She reminded him.

"Damn it." He rubbed his head quick and sighed.

"Forgot. Okay. See ya later." He said sorta shooing her off.

"What's wrong?"

"Nothing. It's fine. Go, you're gonna be late." He said.

"Jamie." She got his attention.

"Its all good. I just have to move some people around that's all. Miller, Stewart and Parker all went home sick. I got Rodrigues riding with Reynolds when really he should be with Witten, but Reynolds isn't ready to be on his own, and-"

"Sarge, I'm sorry but I really gotta go."

"Sorry, I know, I'll figure it out." He said a little stressed.

"You always do. Love you." She said smiling.

"Love you." He smiled back and watched her leave, then back to work he went.

As Eddie sat waiting at her Ob, she read a trashy magazine for laughs. She heard a familiar voice talking to the front desk. She picked her head up to see Maria Baez checking in.

Eddie sorta was in shock, a million things circling her head in the matter of seconds. Her automatic reaction was to hide, so she picked the magazine back up and covered her face with it. Her head thoughts consisted of "okay. Okay, this is good. She won't even see me...crap...I was here first...there going to call my name...then it's just gonna be awkward" her heart was racing out of her chest.

She decided to just be normal, so she put the magazine away and looked around the room. Baez was coming over to sit down.

"Oh. Hi." Maria said caught of guard, her cheeks starting turning red.

"Hey! Weird seeing you here!" Eddie said playfully but then realizing she literally could've said anything other then that.

"Yeah..! Fun stuff..." Maria said with a laugh and then sat down.

It was awkward. Very very awkward.

"Eddie?" A nurse called out.

"Yes hi!" Eddie practically jumped out of her seat, wanting to get out of the awkwardness.

When Eddie got home, Henry had dinner about done, it smelled amazing.

"Yum! I can smell your pizza from the street!" She said putting her stuff down.

"Mommy!" Alaina was coming at her with a hug.

"Hi! Were you good today?"

"Yes. I din frow anyting at Eyan." She said very boldly.

"Good! Thank you!" Eddie said laughing and kissing her on the cheek.

"She telling the truth?" Eddie asked Henry going to the kitchen.

"She is, she only had one little outburst today too." He told her.

"Well that's a first."

"Always is. Just wait until the twins come along." Henry laughed with Eddie and shook her head.

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