Battle Scars

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Friday May 19th 2023
About a month later.

Jamie pulled up to a call at a bodega where a couple had gotten into a fight, he assaulted his girlfriend along with the cashier. Eddie and Rachel were first on the scene along with 2 other officers, they were waiting outside with their guns drawn not wanting to escalate things.

"Witten!?" Jamie shouted when he got out of his car and took cover behind his door.

"Guys got a gun on the cashier along with 5 other hostages, ones his girlfriend!" She told him, crouched down at her car door with her gun drawn toward the bodega.

"Everybody stay back! Clear the area! Esu and Hnt?!" Jamie shouted and asked.

"They're on their way!" Eddie told him, and then shots were fired from the inside, breaking the glass to the door, everyone ducked, it was unexpected.

"Come closer and I'll shoot everyone in here!" The perp yelled and shot off a couple more. A pedestrian, trying to run away got hit and fell to the ground. Jamie assessed the situation was going south real quick.

"WITTEN JANKO MOVE IN!" He commanded and ran to move the pedestrian to a safer location. Eddie and Witten entered and got the guy to the ground with no more shots being fired. The other 2 officers helped, they got the gun from him and made sure he didn't have anything else on him after Eddie got the cuffs on him.

"Suspects in custody!" Witten radioed as Eddie got the guy up on his feet, Jamie entered the store now.

"You bastard! Look what you did!" His girlfriend yelled at him.

"Ma'am take a step back!" Jamie said observing the perp was getting feisty, but was too late. He broke out of Eddies hold and threw his girlfriend to the ground by body slamming her and thinking he could run away.

"Hey! Is he cuffed!?" Jamie asked as he grabbed him and slammed him up against the wall.

"Yeah he's cuffed!" Eddie snarled back, she wasn't dumb, this dude was big, she was lucky enough it wasn't her he laid out on the floor.

"Your not doing yourself any favors!" Jamie told him firmly in his ear as he pressed him on the wall. Eddie was calling for a bus, the girlfriends head was bleeding as she laid flat on the ground.

"I got him sarge." Rachel said and took him to their RMP.

"She okay?" Jamie immediately started to assist Eddie with the girlfriend, he put gloves on and took out a tissue to put over the bleed.

"Yeah, she hit the ground pretty hard though." Eddie said.

"Hey...miss, what's your name? Talk to me." Jamie said. She started coughing as she spoke.

"Trisha..." she mumbled.

"Good, okay, hey Trisha the ambulance is on its way, stay with me, okay?" Jamie said getting nervous she was going but she shook her head slowly yes.

The ambulance rolled up, which is always relieving, as cops they only knew how to do so much, they'd obviously much rather leave it to professionals.

"I got this, go book the bastard, start the paperwork, and I'll meet you back there when I'm done here." Jamie told Eddie when the EMTs took over.

They got the perp back to the precinct and walked him to the cell.

"Welcome home." Rachel said as Eddie uncuffed him to throw him in.

"That's funny." He said, turned around and punched Eddie right in the face, laying her out on the ground.

"Woah woah!" Rachel stopped him from getting her too, grabbed him and pushed him in the cell. He tried to get up and come back after her but Rachel was quick enough and shut the cell up.

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