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** TW: The following chapter contains graphic descriptions of graphic violence/gore. DO NOT READ if you are not prepared to encounter such content. **

"Stop him," Tom commanded again, this time his voice rising more urgently.

But Ra was quick - very quick - his wand out as he darted towards the door. And he had the advantage, because he knew exactly what was happening, whereas the other Death Eaters were given blind orders, and took a few seconds to register that they'd been commanded to seize one of their own. Nevertheless, all things considered, they moved on him en masse.

There was no apparating or disapparating here, that was a given. Too much of a security liability in exactly such a situation as this. It seemed only obvious that Tom would have put fantastically powerful wards in place to ensure no one could come and go so easily. No one but himself, of course.

No, Ra would have to push and claw his way out, and it would be a nail-bitingly risky endeavour. It was truly a spectacular thing to behold, the way he masterfully flicked his wand and carried himself at lightning quick speed towards the doors, which he then blasted clean open. All around him, bolts and curses as Tom's followers scrambled in his wake.

Please, please - I prayed desperately - continue to be quick and make no mistakes - please -

I felt my breath hitch with the smallest fraction of relief as I watched the blur of his figure shoot out the door and down the hall.

Well, he cleared this room, at least. The most dangerous of them all. And maybe, just maybe, with a small miracle -

But I was pulled from my thoughts as Tom yanked me forcefully by the arm and away from the table, his voice rising impatiently, "Go after him! He doesn't leave! Immobilise him, disarm him, but do NOT kill him!"

Struggling against his vicious grip on me, I watched as a flurry of them gave chase out the door and down the hall. 

Tom began to drag me now, but I fought against him with all my strength. I cursed, I screamed, I pinched, and I even bit at him. In this moment, I was a woman possessed. But when my teeth sank their way deeply into his hand, Tom bit back, in his own way. Pushing me off of him with incredible strength, he sent me flying down to the floor and drew his wand, pointing it at me.

"PETRIFICUS TOTALUS!" He bellowed, his face twisted in rage unlike anything I'd seen from him before.

The effect of the spell was instant, of course, and my entire body went completely rigid, immobilised in a full body-bind. Completely paralysed, I stared up at him. Cursing loudly, he bent and scooped me effortlessly into his arms, hoisting me over his shoulder.

The dining room, I realised now as he strode forward with me heaped stiffly in his arms, had completely emptied out save for the two of us.

Oh, Ra. If you can somehow manage this ...

Tom moved quickly, booking out the doorway as he carried me along with him. And I could do nothing other than stare unblinkingly at the floor as he ran down the halls. Suddenly, he threw me back down onto the floor, roughly as he could. If I could have cried out in pain, I would have because it hurt terribly. But of course, I could do absolutely nothing.

A few seconds later, a flurry of footsteps approached his side. A guard, one that he must have summoned telepathically.

Tom barked out impatiently, "In my room, on my bed. You leave her there, lock every door, and you post guard out here. She stays exactly there, exactly like this, until I return. You leave your watch at any point, for even a split second, you've assured yourself a most painful death. Understood?"

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