Loneliness with a pinch of rivalry

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Tubbos perspective:

I went into the cafeteria for lunch, as normal people do, and went towards tommy to sit down. I never brought lunch, the lunches here are gross and I always wake up too late to pack my own, usually I just steal a bit of Tommys food. But when I saw him my heart sank, the table he was at was full.
"Uh hi Tommy!" I said as I got closer to his table.
"Hi Tubbo!" he replied then continued eating.
"Tommy uh there aren't any seats left, where should I sit?"
I didn't want to sit alone and look like a dumbass with no friends, (no offense to my lovely loners reading this if there are any sjdjdjf) but I didn't want to sit with someone random either.
"Oh uh..." Tommy looked around at his table, as if just noticing there weren't any spots for me.
"I can move Tommy, I've got some other friends who want me to sit with them anyway!" one of the guys at the table said, he wore a white paper mask over his mouth and a bright green hoodie. he walked away towards a table with two other guys I didn't regonize, one with a blue shirt and white glasses, the other in a long black sleeved shirt with a white t shirt on top. I thanked the green hoodie guy as he got up and walked away while I sat down at the now empty seat.
"Tubbo come on man what the hell!!"
Tommy said suddenly whisper shouting, I assumed to make sure the green hoodie guy didn't hear him.
"What. What's wrong?"
"That's Dream, you know just the most popular guy at school." Tommy said grumbling, "I finally got him to sit next to me, we were gonna be friends and then I'd be a part of their group!"
"Uh...what? Tommy you can still be friends with him, and besides now you have me!"
I said smiling, I was definitely faking my confidence though. I didn't expect such a bad reaction from him...
Tommy just sighs.
"Yeah I guess, well anyways here."
he says, sliding a ziploc bag towards me that's filled with cheez-itz.
"YES thanks Tommyyyyyy!"
I said, my smile growing more genuine as I took the cheez itz.

For the rest of the period I sat mostly eating and listening to Tommy talk mostly to the other guys at our table, whose names were apparently Fundy, Eryn, Wilbur, and Jack. I tried joining the conversation every now and then but Tommy would quickly cut me off and say something else before the rest of them had a chance to respond. I'm guessing it's just out of nerves, I mean everyone else at this table are people we've never talked to before so of course he's going to be nervous.
But it still kinda hurt, I should talk to Tommy about this later.

After lunch I went to my next class, I arrived a bit later than everyone else since I decided to use the bathroom near the end of lunch. but just my luck, ranboo was there. and the spot next to him was the only spot left. at least it's separate seats this time. I glare at him and he rolls his eyes.

I couldn't help but glance at his direction every now and then, he's making me kind of...nervous? Well I mean of course he would he's friends with techno! I've heard enough rumors about him to know that he's strong and borderline deadly when he wants to be. wouldn't surprise me if ranboo was just as strong...
apparently I was still staring at him as I was thinking because ranboo turned around and looked at me in the eyes.
we stared at each other and I took note of how incredibly stupid his black and white hair was as well as getting a better look at his brown and green eyes. He looked down at my hands, I did too and realized I was fidgeting with my hands. We looked back up at each other and he grinned.
he says, still grinning
"ugh, no."
my body seemed to be against me because I could feel my face heating up, ranboos smile grew wider and I winced when I realized I was visibly blushing.
"Are you blushing? Gross."
he says nonchalantly but I could still see the smile on his face as he turned away to focus on the teacher.
"Shut up."
I responded, and decided to start focusing more on the teacher as well.

This year is going to suck.

~~~~~~authors note~~~~~~

trying to move the story along but also trying not to rush it, harder than I thought it would be pfft.

Hope you enjoyed please don't hate on this if you don't like it you can just ignore it easy as that

Have a nice day afternoon or night guys :D

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