Ranboo Time

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ranboos pov:

Is weird...
Of course on the first day back at school drama immediately has to start.


I remember my first time hearing that name. I was questioning Techno about his whole situation with Tommy...

~flashback time to a few months ago~

I was at Technos house, well mansion. It was true, Philza and Kristen Minecraft (his parents) were absolutely loaded.
I had been friends with Techno for about a couple months, playing minecraft and vc'ing each other for a while before he invited me to come over to his house.
He used to talk about Tommy a lot.
But one day, near the end of the school year, he just said they weren't friends anymore and that they had been fighting a lot recently. I had only heard rumors about what happened floating around school. So when silence had filled his bedroom as we entered I took it as an opportunity to ask.
"Hey Techno?"
I said as I plopped onto a surprisingly comfy chair in his room while he sat on the edge of the bed.
"Why aren't you friends with Tommy anymore? I mean I don't mean to pry or anything but I was just curious."
I said, halfway through feeling embarrassed for bringing it up.
"Oh...nothing out of the ordinary." Techno shrugged, "He just wanted to be friends for the money. And the fact that I have a pretty big reputation around the school as the 'tough guy' I guess. I was basically his personal bodyguard and money machine. Not that I ever gave him any actual money, but I like giving my friends gifts and I'd always end up paying whenever we went somewhere. He also liked throwing parties here at my house so I suppose that's a part of it."
I remember that, last year Techno would host loads of parties. I never understood why since I didn't take him to be a party kind of person but it made sense now. Tommy was just using it as another means of getting attention.
"He liked the title and the extra cash more than anything." Techno continued, "Nothing I'm not used to, I mean I'm lucky I even have all this stuff so I really shouldn't be complaining."
He explains nonchalantly, but I can tell by his expression that he's hurt. This really took a toll on him, I mean how could it not? Having someone who you thought was your best friend do that to you...it was just cruel.
I gave him a comforting pat on the shoulder, since I knew he wasn't too keen on hugs, and a silent understanding passed between us.
After a bit Techno began talking again,
"Although Tubbo's still friends with him."
"Yeah, I think he's been friends with him since elementary school."
"Is Tubbo in on this whole 'making friends with rich popular people for his own benefit' thing?"
"I don't know, probably. He stood up for Tommy throughout the whole thing and sticks with him wherever he goes. They could be trying to befriend certain people together but I'm not sure. He seemed nice when I met him. Then again so did Tommy..."
Techno stopped talking and stared at the ground. A blank expression on his face, which he usually has but this time his eyes are filled with pain and sadness.
"It's ok Techno, they both sound like they absolutely suck. Especially for taking advantage of you like that, but you've got me! Plus my friend Nihachu too if you want to talk to her more. Oh whenever you're ready though! I get it if you have some trust issues and need some time or something."
Techno looks up at me and smiles at that.
"Thanks Ranboo."
"Yeah no problem."
A comfortable silence filled the room after that, with Technos usually expressionless face still wearing a small smile.

~flashback done~

Since then I've been set on being against both Tommy and Tubbo. I even learned how to fight pretty decently from Techno, so I could use that against them if necessary.
But I wasn't going to resort to violence.
Not yet at least.
Besides right now I'm too focused on the fact that Tubbo, TOMMYS friend Tubbo sits next to me. And to think I thought he looked pretty and that we could've been friends.
Even now though I can't help but feel this sort of...longing towards him?
God what am I even saying right now, hes just got a punchable face that's it.

I didn't expect myself to want to be so hostile towards them but Techno was a really amazing friend and I just can't stand the fact that someone used him like that.

Even so I can't say I was disappointed when Tubbo came up to me while I was studying at the library after school.
"Ugh what are you doing here, jeez I knew you were obsessed with me but stalking? Really?"
I said as he approached. He hesitated a bit but he still managed to sound confident when he responded,
"No dumbass. Hate to break it to you but other people have tests to take too and I need to study as well. I just happened to see you here and figured I might as well come and annoy you."
"Well you can go away now, someone might get the wrong idea and think we're friends or something."
I say half jokingly, but my stomach was doing flips looking at him now.
He really was short, even when I'm sitting down I can tell. And his brown hair that covers his eyes a bit at the front, and the way he fidgets with his fingers sometimes when he talks to me. Maybe his presence alone was sickening me.

He rolls his eyes in response to me but still grins and says teasingly, "Am I embarrassing you Ranboooo~ Oh no I'm sOoOoO sorryyyyy!"
He dramatically leans against the table arching his back slightly and putting the back of his hand to his forehead.

I just roll my eyes in response.
"The only thing that's embarrassing is your lame attempt at being cute now leave me alone."
I say mumbling a bit, a smile threatens to appear on my lips but I turn away before Tubbo can see.
"Did you just indirectly call me cute? I mean I wasn't even trying to be cute. God and you say I'm the one who's obsessed!"
He responds grinning, now fully facing me.
"Ha, please I can't stand you."
I say shaking my head.
The grin never leaves his face though as he turns and finally walks away.

I wonder why he keeps talking to me.
Why is he even friends with Tommy still?
Is he purposely doing this to try and get me to befriend him somehow?
Great now all I'm thinking about his him.
I'm never getting any studying done at this rate.

~~~~~~Authors note~~~~~~

I got a weird publish schedule but then again it's not really a schedule I just write whenever I feel like it.
Starting to get into the story more, wrote a bit of a longer chapter today so I hoped you guys liked ittt!

And if you dont like it then don't read it easy as that

Alright guys have a good morning afternoon or night! :D

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