Deny all you want but you're feelings don't go away that easily

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Ranboo pov:

I got to school the next day nervous, a light dust of pink already covering my face. God I haven't even seen him yet...

I walked into class and sat down next to him. He looked at me but quickly looked away again when our eyes met. How do I even start talking to him?

"Hey Tubbo?"
Well that was easy.


"Why do you even hang out with Tommy? I mean other than being a dick to Techno he's also kind of a dick to you."
I said, trying to sound like it was the most obvious thing in the world.

"Oh shut up, you don't know what you're talking about."

"Come on you're definitely not a quiet person yet you're silent during lunch with him cause he always cuts you off, he like actively avoids you too man. I keep seeing him bother Dream though, who just so happens to be like the most popular guy at school. I think he just wants to be popular too."

"And that would lead to him avoiding me?"

"Yeah you're kind of a nobody."
I grinned as he scoffed and rolled his eyes.

"Whatever what makes you think you know shit about Tommy? And watching me during lunch? Creepy dude."
His grin after saying that told me he was being sarcastic.

"Hey just looking out for you, and how much about Techno's and Tommy's situation do you even know? It seems like it'd be kinda hard for Tommy to defend himself when he straight up used Techno for popularity and money."

Tubbo stayed silent for a bit after that, thinking. Does he really not know anything about the situation? I would've thought Tommy at least made up something to defend himself.

"Tommy's just sensitive about it so I haven't heard much about it. So...out of curiosity...what did Techno tell you?"

I smiled, I was slowly bringing him over to my side and exposing the real Tommy to him.
I explained the whole situation to him. How Tommy would always have Techno pay for stuff, throw parties, and basically became friends with him for bragging rights.

Tubbo thought for a moment before saying slowly,
"I guess that makes sense....he did used to throw a lot of parties, and go out a lot, and brag about all the new stuff he got...Did Techno pay for some of those? I mean he doesn't brag nearly as much as he used to...Wait what am I saying Tommy's my friend!"

"Tubbo could you use more than one braincell for once in your life, c'mon man it's painfully obvious."

Tubbo stayed silent after that.
Our conversation had long since gone to whispers since class started but we had still continued talking and not paying attention.
So we didn't notice when the teacher glared at us.

"aHEM. Ranboo, Tubbo, could you please pay attention. I'm trying to explain your project here."

We jumped and mumbled out an apology as some of the class giggled.

"As I was trying to say, there's a big project you guys are going to start tomorrow. To make it fun for you guys, it'll be on videogames."
The class let out some cheers at that. "You'll have to write about it's impact, why people play it, why you find it fun yourself, and how and why it was created in the first place. As well as information on the creators and of course explaining how the game works itself. On top of this you'll have to make some sort of model of your game, it doesn't have to be too complicated but it does have to look nice. You'll be working with partners, to make it easy it'll be the person at your table. I suggest you exchange numbers and start planning for the rest of the time in class."

Once the teacher was done talking I turned to Tubbo. I grinned and he just rolled his eyes.

"So, videogames. What's your favorite?"
I asked him, I wanted to know what he liked first in case he judged me for liking minecraft.

He avoided eye contact indicating he was embarrassed at just admitting it.

"Oh good same, that'll make this easier then since we both like the same game."

"Wait really? You play minecraft?"

"Yeah one of my favorite games, I play all the time it's the best!"

"NO WAY give me your gamertag man we should play- wait no..."

"OoOoO you wanna play minecraft with meeeee~ I'll play some minecraft with youuuuuu!"

"Oh shut up prick!"
He smiled, but something about it was different. It wasn't his normal cocky grin, it was a lot more genuine.

"Why are you smiling at me like that?"
I asked teasingly.

"Like what?"
He asked still smiling.

"I don't know you're just smiling weirdly!"
I shoved his arm and giggled, feeling my face heat up slightly.

"Well then stop staring dickhead!"
He stuck out his tongue.

"I can't not see your smile when you're right in front of me!"

"Oh am I too cloOoOoOose am I bOtHeRiNg youuuuuu?"
He got closer to my face and smiled wider as he said that.

"Shut uuuuuuup!"
I covered half of my face with my hand as I smiled at him, expecting him to back up.

But he didn't. He stayed there for a while. Our smiles slowly faded away as we sat there staring at each other. I could feel his hot breath against my skin, making me shiver slightly.
It could've been less than a minute, but it felt like we were like that for hours. Eventually though the bell rang.
We jumped up a bit and quickly grabbed our things to leave. And I swore I saw Tubbo blushing, the thought only made me blush harder.

Once I left class and sat down at my next one, I got lost in thought.
Ok, so I think Tubbo kind of believes me. He'll need some time to think about it obviously but still. Also he was blushing too? Does he like me too? Oh shut up me I don't even know if I actually like him, and he was probably just embarrassed and uncomfortable. Although he was the one that got all up in my face and then didn't move...
The project as well, I really should play some minecraft with him. Plus it also gives me an excuse to hang out with him more. Not that I want to...I think...maybe just a bit....

This next month is either going to go great, or go horribly.

~~~~~~Authors note~~~~~~

Posting earlier than I normally do wow!

I tried spacing out the paragraphs and talking bits more than I normally do, do you guys like that or should I keep it the way I did it before?

I know the videogame thing is unrealistic but stfu I needed them to meet up more and bond over a common interest somehow and writing a scene about them studying some random history shit or something sounded really boring. And hey if you don't like it just don't read it, easy as that!

Have a nice morning afternoon or night guys :D

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