A Good Source of Comfort

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Ranboo pov:

Me and Tubbo talked to the rest of the day about how we'd talk to Tommy. Tubbo mostly wanted closure and to ensure he'd leave us alone...But that'd be pretty difficult.

"You can't just barge into his house and start yelling at him!
I argued.

"Why nooooot, I have his address, it isn't that far away, AND it wouldn't make a scene! At school we'd have tons of people looking at us."

"Fair, but...I don't know. What would you even say?"

"Maybe something like, hey why were you an asshole to me and Techno and also could you please stop being an asshole?"
I laughed at that.

"Something along those lines will have to work."

"This is stressing me out can we just cuddle and watch like South Park or somethinggggg?"
Tubbo whined making grabby hands at me.
I sigh and give into his pleas, crashing beside him on the bed. Tubbo cheers and grabs the remote to put on the show.

"But we will have to deal with Tommy eventually."

"And we will, it's a Friday so sleepover today and tomorrow we'll go over to Tommy's. Deal?"


We lay there in comfortable silence, Tubbos head resting on my chest while my arms wrap around him. I still can't believe my feelings towards him have flipped so suddenly...Then again I don't think I really ever stopped liking Tubbo.

Sadly, tommorow came and we both prepared ourselves for the worst. Tubbo still didn't like the idea of confronting Tommy so I had to comfort him as we got ready to leave.

"I'm nervoooous, what if he tries to beat me up or something?"
Tubbo asked me.

"Then I guess I'll have to beat him up first." Tubbo smiles at that but I can tell his anxiety hasn't gone away yet. "Hey, you'll be fine. I'll be with you the whole time!"
I wrap him into a hug and he practically melts into it. We stay like that for a while before he slowly pulls away.

"Ok. I'm ready."

The walk to Tommy's house is filled with tense silence. I hold Tubbos hand to try and comfort him more but I know it doesn't do much, still it's better than nothing I suppose.

Finally we reach the door. Neither one of us want to knock. After a minute of just staring at the door Tubbo looks up at me with begging eyes, I scoff but I can't say no to them. I knock. And we wait.
Tommy opens the door finally after what feels like an eternity.

"Oh great what do you fuckers want?"

~~~~~~authors note~~~~~~

dRaMa, sorry for the short chapters. story is ending and not much left to write. but I hope you guys have enjoyed it!

totally not 2:50am right now, don't question it I'm totally getting a healthy amount of sleep everyday👍🏻

just like all of you should be because you guys are amazing people and I hope you guys are having a good morning afternoon or night :D

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