Fighting and Anxiety

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Tubbo pov:

At first I didn't notice him walk up to us since my back was turned to him, but I saw Ranboo glaring at someone and then saw Techno glancing up before immediately looking back down again. He seemed so nervous, which isn't common for him. I turned around to see who they were looking at and my heart stopped for a second when I saw Tommy. My eyes went wide and I had to actually tell myself to stop looking shocked.

I thought he didn't care, I thought he was moving on from me, was I wrong?


"H-hey Tommy. What's up?"
I cringe at myself when I stutter. Why was I so nervous?

"What are you doing??"

I look at Ranboo and Techno and down at my tray before shrugging, "Eating lunch, what about you?"
I was trying desperately to seem chill and even tried to hide my hand fidgeting inside my hoodie pocket.

"No shit you're eating lunch, I want to know what you're doing eating with them!"
I flinch, Tommy was getting impatient and Ranboo was staring daggers into him.

"I told you I was invited to another table, don't freak out about it. I didn't even think you would care."

People in the cafeteria hear Tommy shouting and turn towards us to see what's going on, only adding to my anxiety.

"Tommy shut up other people are staring. And I'm actually having fun sitting with these guys, at least they actually talk to me."
I can't look him in the eyes anymore and instead stare at the ground. Why was this happening I absolutely hate this.

"So now you're choosing them over me?"
Tommy asks clearly offended.

"I thought that would've been obvious since I'm not sitting at your table. And you decided to choose literally anyone else but me so I think we're even."
I completely turn away from Tommy and face Ranboo and Techno again. Ranboo looks pissed at Tommy right now and Techno gives me a look of respect.


"Tommy could you please shut up for once in your life? Tubbo doesn't like you. It's your own fault for avoiding him, you're a prick anyways I don't know why anyone would choose to hang out with you."
Ranboo says coolly, I stare at him with awe and relief that he said something instead of me having to. I can feel myself about to cry and having to sit through him yelling at me and then figuring out a proper response would have sent me over the edge.
Tommy stares at me and Ranboo in disbelief.

"Tubbo are you even listening to yourself and Ranboo? You two are being idiots for defending Technoblade!"
Techno flinches at the mention of his name.

"At least they actually told me what happened, even when I defended you you didn't tell me shit about what happened between the two of you and I bet that's because it's your fault for using him and you know it! You've been a shit friend to me recently so forgive me if I want to hang out with people who actually CARE about me!"


I can't stop the tears from spilling out my eyes and I run out of the cafeteria into the bathrooms. I can't stand to look at Tommy's shocked expression that has a mix of rage and hatred in it.

I sit down on the cold bathroom floor leaning against one of the stalls. I hear someone open the door and I quickly peak around the corner to see Ranboo. I get up so I can hug him. He doesn't hesitate or pushes me away, just hugs back. I absolutely melt into the hug, I was so mentally drained and a hug is exactly what I need.
The door opens again and to my relief it's Techno, and I immediately start apologizing to him for dragging him into this mess again, and for what I did, and for what Tommy said.

"It's ok, it's not your fault Tommy's a-"

"A fucking dick."
I finish for him.

"Yeah, that."

We all laugh a bit and the bell rings, I don't know how I'll look at Tommy in the eyes anymore. Had I ruined everything? Should I have just stayed quiet and dealt with Tommy?
A million questions and regrets run through my mind but they stop when Ranboo grabs my hand before I leave the bathroom. He then gently holds my face in his hands before placing a quick peck on my forehead and rushing out the bathroom blushing profusely. I know I'm not any better because Techno looks at me and just laughs before leaving himself.

What the fuck just happened...

~~~~~~Authors note~~~~~~

I'm really tired right now but hey another chapter wooooo

I won't proof read so feel free to correct me on some mistakes I might've made.

I might've rushed the end a bit and maybe I'll fix that up a bit later but for now it's alright I think👍

Have a good morning afternoon or night guys :D

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