Minecraft doesn't heal all wounds

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Tubbo pov:

It was finally time I spoke up about my feelings with Tommy. For some reason seeing Ranboo at the library gave me a boost of energy and confidence that I needed to use somehow, so now I'm on my way to Tommys. I figured this conversation would be better in person.

I walked down the familiar path to his house. I had gone here many times before, I mean I have been friends with him for like a bajillion years now! And we've had some issues before but nothing like this, me and Tommy were always super clingy friends that hung out all the time. Maybe he's starting to grow sick of me?

My confidence was almost completely gone by the time I reached his doorstep. But still, I gripped onto the little bit I had left and knocked.
Tommy opened the door almost immediately, and I couldn't read his expression as he saw me.
"Oh hey Tubbo, what's up?"
"Hey Tommy, sorry I just needed to talk to you quick and talking about it through text seemed weird to me."
"Uuh I'm actually kinda busy right now, I've got lots of homework haha.."
"I can help you with it! Unless it's math...I suck at that."
I said giggling, and Tommy chuckled too a bit before saying,
"Nah it's fine, just come inside and we can talk for a bit."

I nod quickly and walk through the door, following him into his room where I sat down at his desk.
I spun the chair around so that I was facing him where he sat on the bed.

"So what is it?"
He asked, tilting his head a bit.
"Well...you've been more distant recently and I don't know I guess it was upsetting me a bit...."
I looked away from his face as I said that, scared of what his reaction might be.
"Tubbo you are literally at my house right now."
"Ok yeah I know, but come on you can't say that you haven't been distancing yourself from me more and more at school!"
"I'm allowed to have other friends Tubbo! I'm sorry if I made you upset but you don't have to be so clingy all the time." Tommy responded rolling his eyes, "Just because I'm talking to someone other than you doesn't mean I fucking hate you or something!"

That hurt. More than it probably should've. I was being an overdramatic idiot, if he didn't find me annoying before surely he does now. I just had to go and say something didn't I? I was so stupid for thinking he'd ever want to stop being friends with me, I'm being way too possessive of him.

"I'm sorry Tommy, you're right. Is it bad if I ask why you haven't been responding to my messages either then?"
I said hesitantly.
He sighed and rolled his eyes again and I immediately regretted mentioning it.
"Come on man I just got nothing to say, when all you do is say 'hi' there's nothing really to talk about. If you've got an actually interesting conversation topic then maybe I would. Again, you're just overreacting."
He crossed his arms and avoided eye contact, his furrowed brows indicating that he was clearly upset he needed to explain this to me.

Ouch. So now I'm also boring. Great, I'm an overdramatic clingy possessive boring bitch.

"Tommy I know you're just being honest but it really hurts when you say stuff like that.."
"Oh shut up man, don't try and pin me as the villain again! And hey don't you think it hurts to hear your best friend say they feel like you're ignoring them just for having other friends? Fuckin hell man..."

I felt awful. I shouldn't have brought this up, fuck how do I fix this.
I'm on the verge of tears but I can't cry in front of Tommy now, I just have to move on from this and forget that I ever said anything. Then everything will be fine and normal.

I sigh,
"Alright fine, then let's boot up some Minecraft. We haven't played on the server together in foreverrrr."
"True, alright sounds good."
He says as he gets up to switch spots with me so that he can play on his computer at his desk while I play on his old laptop that I always used to play Minecraft with him whenever I came over.

We played for hours, laughing and messing around just like normal. Like nothing had happened. But it did happen, and it still hurt. The pain didn't go away no matter how hard I tried to push it down. I knew bottling it up meant I was bound to explode but what else was I meant to do? Talk to Tommy about it??? So I just sucked it up, and decided to act like it didn't affect me whatsoever.

This year sucks.

~~~~~~Authors Note~~~~~~

Just in case I need to say this, this is not a reflection of how I see Tommy or even his character in the dsmp. This is purely fiction so please don't actually hate him! I don't know if I needed to say that but just in case.

Having fun writing this and I hope you guys enjoy reading it, (although none of you are leaving comments so idkkkk /s)

if you don't enjoy or like this then don't read it, easy as that.

have a nice day afternoon or night guys :D

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