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Tubbo pov:

I took a deep breath and answered,
"Tommy, I just want to talk."

"I'm not going to be your friend again."

"Don't flatter yourself, I don't want to be friends either. I just want to know why you did what you did, and I want you to leave us alone."
Tommy stares at me for a while, slightly shocked, slightly annoyed.

"Fine, c'mon."

We follow Tommy inside his house, as we walk Ranboo leans down and whispers into my ear,
"I thought don't flatter yourself made you sound old."

"Shut up."
He smirks and I roll my eyes at him, I forgot I called him an old man for texting me that once. That feels like it was a million years ago.

Me and Ranboo sit next to each other on the couch while Tommy sits across from us in a chair.

We sit there in awkward silence for a while before I clear my throat and say,
"Well Tommy? Care to tell us anything?

"Is it really so bad that I want some attention?"

"If it means that in exchange you're gonna use people then yes."

"Ugh, fine I'm sorry Tubbo. I just liked the idea of everyone knowing my name, everyone loving me, I hate being left on the sidelines and forgotten."
He avoids my eyes and stares at the ground annoyed.

His story checked out, he used to tell me about how in middle school he didn't have any friends. And how much he hated it...this doesn't justify anything, but at least it's starting to make more sense.

"Why ignore me then?"

"Cause I figured at this point you wouldn't leave me, so I focused on other people. Plus you aren't exactly known for getting attention."

"But I thought I was your friend?"
I ball my fists and Ranboo gently places a hand on one of them to calm me down, but when I look at his face I can tell he's just as pissed as I am.

"Yeah, but I was getting new friends. I was moving on."

"Clearly not since you went up to me at lunch to yell at me for talking to Ranboo."

Tommy shrugs,
"It just caught me off guard, like I said I figured you wouldn't leave me. I wasn't expecting you to do the same thing as Techno-"


I'm standing now, glaring at Tommy. Ranboo stands with me, putting a hand on my shoulder as he glares at Tommy with me.

"What? I'm not wrong am I?"
Tommy rolls his eyes at us and crosses his arms.

I'm about to yell at him again but Ranboo beats me to it,
"Can you blame them when all you do is take advantage of people? I can't believe after all this you're still trying to make yourself seem like the victim."

"I wanted something, so I did what I could to get it. Nothing more nothing less."

"You're a fucking phychopath."
I spat out.

Tommy shrugs again,
"Not my problem if you guys don't like it, now when are you gonna get out of my fucking house?"

"All we want now is for you to leave us alone."
Ranboo responds.

"You guys are the ones not leaving me alone."
Tommy says annoyed.

"We're being serious, we don't want to be harassed at school by you or any of your other 'friends'. And in exchange we'll leave you alone too."

Tommy thinks about Ranboos words for a moment before looking up at us and nodding.
"Fine, now get the fuck out of here already."

I smile at Ranboo as the two of us walked out the door.

"Thank god you came with me, I was so close to snapping at him."
I say.

"Yeah no problem, I figured. And now we're free."

"Mhm! It feels like a weights been lifted of my chest, thanks so much big man!"
I give him a hug.

"Like I said, no problem."
Ranboo says as he hugs back.

The rest of the year is amazing, for the most part. It's still a bit awkward to see Tommy at lunch or in the halls, but he kept his promise and didn't talk to us once. Me and Ranboo have gone on dates together and me and Techno are great friends now! Everything feels amazing, everythings been settled.

This year was amazing.

~~~~~~authors note~~~~~~

Aaaaaaaand that's that! it feels weird finishing this book but I'm out of ideas for it.

thank you to the people who have supported me throughout the making of this story!

I had a lot of fun making this and I hope you guys enjoyed it.

I was thinking about doing another beeduo story, but this time a royal au...except I know nothing about royalty or how monarchy or whatever works so we'll see.

have a good morning afternoon or night guys, you all mean a lot to me :D

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