Conversations with The Blade

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Ranboo pov:

I still can't help but think of Tubbo, maybe it's cause I hate him so much.
I keep thinking about his face, his smile, and the way he'd fidget with his hands when he's nervous.
I'm 90% sure I'm only thinking of him so much because he's bothering me all the time but either way it was annoying.
So I went to the only person I could.


Ranboo: Hey Techno?

Technoblade: Yea what's up

Ranboo: Are you doing anything rn? I've got a lot on my mind and wanted to talk to you about it

Technoblade: Nah I'm free, come over

Ranboo: k omw now

~~~done messaging~~~

After telling my mom I was leaving I walked over to Techno's house, he was a good few blocks away but I didn't mind. It gave me a chance to listen to music, I love walking anyways.

After a while I finally got to the front of Techno's house/mansion. It used to intimidate me but I've grown familiar with it at this point.
I knocked on the door and Techno opened it almost immediately, since he knew I was coming.
Even if Techno lived in a fancy house, he didn't really look like it. His pink hair was in a messy braid and scars were scattered around his arms and face, all from fights he had gotten into. (even on one of his ears which he got from one of the guys he was fighting pulling down on the earring he was wearing.)

Even if Techno had gotten into a lot of fights, that was his past. He hadn't gotten into major fights in years but his reputation still stood strong. He also just gave off this aura of superiority, his height and expensive-looking clothing definitely adding to that.

I sat down on the bed and leaned against the headboard, Techno sat in front of me so I could braid his hair. It was already in a braid but whenever I had a lot to talk about I'd braid his hair as a source of comfort. Also so that I wouldn't have to look at his face while I explained whatever problem I had since it made me more embarrassed and uncomfy.

"So what's on your mind?"
"Hm? Why him?"
Techno asked, not in a demanding way, more calm and vaguely curious.
"I sit next to him in two of my classes. I didn't know who he was or anything until after we had talked for a bit, since then I keep running into him and I can't stop thinking about him. I keep kind of glancing at him in the hallways or while eating lunch and he's just constantly on my mind."
"Sounds like a crush."
Techno responds nonchalantly.
My face burns and I stop braiding his hair to yell,
"WHAT? Nonono, no way! I just hate him soso much that's why, surely he just annoys me. Honestly him? The guy who's friends with Tommy who completely used you?"
Techno winced a bit at that and I felt guilt wash over me, I quickly moved back onto the topic of Tubbo and how much I dislike him,
"No way, I hate him and his stupid fluffy hair and how it slightly covers his eyes and the way he fidgets with his hands when he's nervous and the way he smiles when he's teasing me, disgusting really!"

When I'm done defending myself Techno turns around and stares at me.
"Oh don't 'bruh' me-"
"Dude you literally so obviously have a crush on this guy. Besides I've seen the way Tommy treats him, he was totally being used during our whole fight and it doesn't even seem like Tommy wants to be friends with him anymore. Look, I don't care if you have a crush on him. Just make sure I'm right and he isn't that bad of a guy."
"But shouldn't I hate him? I mean he hates me right now..."
"Eh, just talk to him more see how it goes cause honestly I don't know if I could stand seeing you crush over this guy so hard and not do anything about it."
"I mean...what do I even do, I've spent all this time hating him and now you're saying he probably isn't that bad and I should talk to him? How would I even do that??"
"You have two classes together you should be fine."
I roll my eyes at him.
"Whatever I'm done talking about this, lets just play some minecraft."

We spent the rest of the day playing bedwars together and just messing around in survival mode. It was a lot of fun but I still couldn't stop thinking about how my view of Tubbo has just completely flipped. Well I guess not yet, I still have to see if he's being manipulated by Tommy. Maybe I could help him realize he's being manipulated, that would work. Ugh but why do I even care, but I mean Techno did say I have a crush on him and he's usually right so maybe that's why...
Well there I go again, lost in thought about Tubbo even while playing minecraft with my best friend.

Maybe I do have a small crush on him.

~~~~~~Authors note~~~~~~

Hey guys I'm back!!!
Hope you guys liked this chapter and if you didn't just don't read it, easy as that.

I do have more ideas now so I will be posting consistently again hopefully, and thank you guys for waiting!

Have a good morning afternoon or night! :D

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