Cafeteria Drama

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Tubbo pov:

I shouldn't be as nervous as I am walking into class that day. Things between me and Ranboo changed so suddenly, all it took was a few words.

I still don't want to believe Ranboo, but I wasn't that ignorant, I could tell things between me and Tommy had changed as well. I had just been denying it. I want to talk to someone about this, someone who would be non biased but I don't have anyone. Just Ranboo.

I sit down next to him, trying to keep my cool. He sees through me right away.

"Why so nervous?"

"I don't know...ugh lots of things have changed and I don't know how to feel about it."

Ranboo stays silent and I worry for a second that I made him uncomfortable. But eventually he just pats my head and says,

"Yeah no kidding, you'll get through this eventually though. Better to deal with this now than later."

"I wish I didn't have to deal with it at all..."
I mumble out.

"Fair enough..." Ranboo lifts his hand up to pat my head again, "Ok this is random but your hair is really soft. Your cool with me messing with it right?"
I can tell he's trying to act nonchalant and that he's probably super nervous on the inside, guess I'm not the only one who can see right through people.

"Sure it's fine."

He starts running his hands through my hair and I can't help but blush slightly and nervously fidget with my hands.
He stops when the bell rings and the teacher starts talking, and thank god cause one more second of that and I'm pretty sure I would've exploded from embarrassment.

Ranboo had been taking up my mind because when I'm not thinking about Ranboo I think about Tommy. And thinking about Tommy is just depressing, at least Ranboo gives me something more than just straight up sadness when I think about him.
I think I might have a tiny little itsy bitsy crush on him, but who can really blame me he's like 100 feet tall for fucks sake! And he was also smart, smarter than me. Not just academically but apparently socially too cause he noticed before I did that Tommy just didn't want to be friends. Ok well I don't know if that's fully true yet I could ask....

I get lost in my own thoughts for the rest of the class, and when the bell rings it takes me a second to realize. It stays like that throughout pretty much all my classes....

Lunch rolls around and I have a choice to make.
Sit with my former enemies or sit with my maybe but probably not friend. Sitting with former enemies sounds cool. Before I do that though I walk up to Tommy to tell him.

"Hey Tommy, I was just invited to another table and I was thinking I'll probably just sit there for lunch if that's cool?"

He's barley paying attention to me when he responds,
"Uh huh, sure."

I walk over to Ranboo and Technos table, Ranboo smiles when he sees I'm walking towards them and Techno rolls his eyes at him.

"Uh hey guys!"
I say a bit nervously as I sit down.

Techno says casually as he eats his food.

"Techno I'm sorry...I think you're right and Tommy's been a dick which means I've been a dick to you and I genuinely feel pretty bad about it cause you don't deserve it you seem really chill and cool and I just don't want things to be awkward between us!"
I say all of that fairly quick and I can see Techno smiling. Whether he's smiling because I apologized or because I'm a nervous wreck I can't tell.

"The only one making things awkward is you, but I appreciate the apology. Don't be to hard on yourself though."

I sign in relief and Ranboo gives me a thumbs up, I laugh a bit and the three of us end up talking a lot for the rest of lunch. It's mostly me and Ranboo but Techno pops in occasionally with a sarcastic comment that always makes us laugh.

It felt amazing. I felt like I finally had friends again. Things were finally feeling normal. I finally had a non depressing lunch. Everything was great.

Until Tommy came by to talk to me.

~~~~~~authors note~~~~~~

AAAH almost forgot about this whoooooops

just for reference in cause you need it,  Ranboo and Techno sit next to each other across from Tubbo at lunch. And Tommy is coming by to talk to Tubbo while they are still sitting down at lunch.

Hope you guys are enjoying the story I didn't proof read this one cause I'm really tired right now so I might later and if I forget you can just comment where there's a typo or something that doesn't make sense!

Have a nice morning afternoon or night guys :D

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