Chapter Twenty-Two

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The team and I sat around the private waiting room waiting on word from Emily's doctor. Ryan and Mark were still at the scene. I sat in the corner alone trying to process everything that had just happened. I feel alone without Emily.

"Hey.." I look up and see Tara, she took the seat beside me. We sat there for a little bit. "Are you happy?" I turned my head and looked at her.


"Emily" I gave her a small smile nodding my head.

"I am, we had a few problems when she got out of prison that's how I ended up back here. But, she treats me like a Queen any other time. I don't know how to survive without her.." she pulled me into a hug as I sobbed quietly. We sat there for a little bit until Mark walked in.

"Jennifer can I speak with you?" I wiped my face and got up going over to him. We stepped outside.

"What's going on?" They looked scared to tell me, everybody knew I had the worse attitude out of Emily and I. "Hello!"

"Jessica Sage" I narrowed my eyes at him.

"Who's that?"

"It's the woman Emily was seeing while she was seeing you but she cut it off when everything happened. She's the one that started everything in London. She had her connections here do the drive by on Emily."

"Where is she? I know you know Mark." He looked at Ryan. "Ryan I swear to God if you don't tell me.." he sighed and looked at me.


"No don't Jennifer me, tell me where she is now!" He handed me a piece of paper. Emilys old apartment in Georgetown. "Give me your gun" Ryan handed me his unregistered gun. "I'll be back" I ran from the hospital clutching the gun and piece paper in my hands.

Without Jessica we can be free and happy. That dumb bitch messed with the wrong wife.


I made it back to the hospital 3 hours later. I went up to Ryan handing him the gun, "Any word on Emily?"

"Yeah, she's stable. Everything went good, the bullet didn't hit anything major, she's gonna make a full recovery. We can take her home in 2 days" I let out the deep breath I was holding then turned back to the team staring at them. They all looked tired and worried.

"I should probably explain everything right?"

"Yeah you should. We are gonna check on Emily then head to the family home here. If you need us for any reason our work phones will be on okay?" Mark said. I gave him a sad smile.

"Okay thank you guys so much"

"Of course Jennifer. Good luck" they each gave me a forehead kiss then left. I sighed and walked over to the team, taking a seat beside Tara.

"I want to start by apologizing for ruining our dinner. I didn't expect for her to show up until after Thanksgiving. You guys did not have to stay here"

"When did this start?" Hotch asked, his face never showing any emotions. I knew he was furious with me.

"Right when we started investigating her.. During our interview she told me she saw me at the club that night with Garcia. The next morning she sent me a message asking me to dinner. The black car you guys saw that night was hers, the person dropping me off that next morning was her as well."

"Is that why the case was dropped?" Garcia asked.

"No, I didn't have anything to do with that. I told her that we couldn't continue until after the case but we wrapped it up after our talk that morning. We went to New York then we had to come back because of the investigation. She went to England and that's when I started my "undercover" work."

"So you were really in England playing house with a murder suspect?" Derek asked. I rolled my eyes.

"No, I went to England to be with someone that I liked and eventually grew to love. I didn't have a choice, the director came directly to me. So, no I wasn't playing house. While we were there she went to prison for everything that happened here, she only got a year because there wasn't really an evidence but ya know.." my eyes flickered to Hotch before continuing. "We got married so that I could take care of things while she was gone. After she got out we decided to stay in Bristol, England and just enjoy each other since our relationship and marriage was so new. Then, things started to change.."

"How so?" Tara asked. I wiped the tear that rolled down my face away.

"She started getting upset more. Violent outbursts, giving me the cold shoulder or simply just not talking to me. So I called Spence to help me get away. I didn't know where else to go or what to do. Everyone there knows the Prentiss family and they know not to get involved."

"Did she ever hurt you?" Dave asked. I shook my head no.

"No, never. She's not that type of person. No matter how hard I push or upset her she has never put her hands on me. I know you guys have seen a lot of horrible things about her life but she's really a sweet and caring person. I really do love her and I hope that you guys can warm up to her" with that I got up and left going to Emily's hospital room. I pulled the chair up close to her bed and took her hand in mine.

"I love you so much Emily.. I swear I do. I'm gonna spend forever showing you that when you wake up." I stood up and kissed her lips before curling up in the chair falling asleep.


The team finally knows about their relationship. Should we make them hate or love Emily?

Do we want them to stay in the states or still return to Bristol?

Also, wtf did Jennifer do to Jessica? 😂👀

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