Chapter Thirty-Nine

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May 5th, 2020
Bristol, England

I'm finally in my 4th month of pregnancy, this month we get to find out what we are having. I'm hoping for a girl. Emily wants a boy.

We are sitting in the waiting room at our doctors, my hand gripping Emily's. I was so nervous, we both were actually.

"Prentiss?" I stood up. "That's me" we followed the nurse back where they took my weight, height and blood pressure. I got changed into my gown and got on the table.

"Nervous?" Emily asked me. I chuckled nervously.

"Ha, a little. It's scary to think that I'm growing an actual baby inside me" she smiled at me as I touched my stomach. The pudge now visible.

"I know, it's been amazing to watch. The way your body is forming to carry our child. The perfect glow you always have, not to mention the sex." I blushed and smiled her way as she winked at me.

"Thank you baby, couldn't have been possible without you handsome" I blew her a kiss and she caught it, I giggled shaking my head. There was a knock at the door then my doctor walked in.

"Jennifer, Emily. It's good to see you ladies"

"Like wise Dr. Phillips" she shook our hands before sitting down.

"How's the morning sickness Jennifer?"

"It's gotten better, Emily got me some of those lollipops you told me about"

"Excellent! Your blood work still looks good, weight is amazing and so is your blood pressure. Now, I hear y'all wanna know the sex of the baby?"

"Yes of course" she got everything ready.

"This will be cold" Emily grabbed my hand as we watched the doctor circle the wand around my stomach, suddenly the sound of a heartbeat filled the room. Tears started swimming in my eyes, I'll never get tired of that sound.

"Heart sounds amazing" she took a few picture. "Ready to find out what y'all are having?"

"Yes" we both replied.

"Congratulations it's a-"


Once we arrived home we sent out a message to the team and our parents to jump on our zoom call. With everyone being around the world in different places, this was the only way to share the news.

"We found out the sex of the baby" I said once the calls connected.

"Hurry up and tell us!" Garcia yelled. We all chuckled at her.

"It's a GIRL!" Everyone cheered hugging one another. They were talking over each other saying congratulations. I had the biggest smile on my face watching them. We hung up after 20 more minutes of talking.


"I'm so excited to be having a girl" I said as Emily and I laid on the couch. Her fingers running through my hair.

"Like wise, I can't wait to buy her everything." I chuckled rolling my eyes. I poked her stomach.

"No Emily. You aren't gonna start off spoiling our child, she has to grow up first so she can learn the value of things"

"Yes ma'am Grandma Prentiss"

"Watch it" she held her hands up in surrender.

"Come on, let's go upstairs and celebrate.." I stood up and grabbed her hand pulling her to her feet. She smiled at me smacking my ass. "Mm, lead the way"


We laid in bed that night scrolling through a baby website looking for baby furniture and decorations. We wanted her to have a Soft pink and white room with a hint of gray. I wanted elephants to be her theme, they're my favorite animal.

The room wasn't for England though, we were actually moving to New York, since I'm no longer gonna be with the FBI, we decided to take business back to the states. I wanted to be around family but not too close. We had about 3 weeks left in Bristol. The place we found is to die for.

"I hope she looks like you" Emily said later that night . We had just turned the tv off to go to sleep.

"Huh?" I asked, my eyes were heavy.

"I want our daughter to look like you. With her big blue eyes and her sassy attitude like you. My own mini you" I poked her side.

"My attitude is not sassy" I said pouting. I could see her roll her eyes.

"Whatever you say baby, wherever you say"

She pulled me into her arms and my head tucked under her chin, my arm thrown around her. We fell into a peaceful sleep, our legs tangled together.

God I love being in love.


A quick little chapter! Nothing too major.

ITS A GIRL 🥰🤩👶🏼🎉🎊

Comment names you think she should have?

Is she going to look like Emily or Jennifer?

Also, do you want a picture of their New York home? THIS IS THEIR LAST and PERMANENT MOVE ♥️

Stay tuned for more babies, Jay ✌🏾✨

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