Chapter Fifty-Three

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February 13th, 2021
Day before Valentines Day
Paris, France

We've been in Paris for a week now, we had everyone from Virginia and Washington flown out. We rented a huge mansion down the street from the wedding venue. The theme we picked was out of this world, it was something out of a fairytale. I've never seen so many decorations, so many people show up for one wedding. Emily's family spent a lot of money on our wedding. We had an open bar, Emily set up a smoking lounge for people that didn't drink, there were free cigars and every kind of food you could think of.

We also got Ryan approved to come, he was Emily's best man.

"So, what do you think?" Our wedding planner said as we set in the coffee shop making sure everything was okay.

"I love it, what do you think baby?"

"It's a go for me baby" we talked for a few more minutes before we got up to go back to the house. Tomorrow morning we would be married again. I know it sounds weird to have a wedding after almost 2 years of marriage but Emily was dead-set on giving me the wedding I deserved. My dress was to die for and from what Ryan told me Emily's tuxedo was going to make me drop dead, not a good choice of words for him but anyways.

We finally made it back to the house after our 30 minute walk. The house was loud and alive when we walked in. We had family from all over staying there after all we did fly them out. My parents were with Emily's parents in the kitchen, our moms were cooking a feast while our dads sat around sipping beers. The team was in the living talking loudly while playing some board game Garcia found. Then rest were doing their own thing. Ryan had Athena with him in the recliner as they slept and how they slept through the noise is a mystery to us.

"Come on, let's go to garden" Emily said tugging on my hand. I followed her outside to the garden. The beautiful roses catching my attention right away.

"I love you" I said out of nowhere. My hand gripping Emily's tightly.

"I love you too Jennifer today, tomorrow, the day after that, and years from now. You're stuck with me" I laugh as she swings our hands between us. We walk down to the water fountain that's located in the middle of the garden.

"Wanna know something?" Emily asks, I turn and wraps my arms around her neck as we start to dance around the garden, her hands are on my hips.

"What's that?" I say as I stare into her eyes.

"This is ours.."

"What's ours?"

"This house. It's my wedding gift to you. I remembered how much you loved Paris when we first came. How your eyes lit up when you saw the Eiffel Tower for the first time. The way you fell in love with the beauty of everything. How you would walk through the streets with no care in the world, so I wanted to give that to you for a lifetime. Whenever you wanna get away, whenever the world gets to be too much, you tell me and this world can become yours"

"I- I, I don't know what to say Emily. This is the nicest thing someone has ever done for me. I mean buying me a mansion in the middle of Paris? How can I live up to that?"

"You already have Jennifer, by marrying me, by birthing our daughter, by loving me. You've showed me things that I never knew existed. You showed me love and you showed me how to look at the world differently. You are everything I needed in life. You are my world Jennifer"


February 14th, 2021
Valentines Day
Paris France

I got my wake up call around 6 that morning, Garcia and my mom were both in bed with me. Athena was in the bassinet beside us sound asleep.

"Rise and shineee!" Elizabeth said coming into the room with the rest of the girls; Tara, Max, Beth, Krystal, and Ashley. I sat up and smiled at them.

"I'm getting married today!!" They all jumped into the California king bed we had and laid with us while we waited for the hair stylist and makeup artist to get there. We talked loudly as I fed Athena for the morning.

At the hotel down the street Emily and the guys were finally waking up after a night of partying. Emily's old buddies had come into town for the wedding and let's just say they have always been a rowdy bunch.

"EMILY!! TIME TO GET YOUR ASS MARRIED MATE!!" They said busting into her room. She groaned rolling over with the pillow over her face.

"JESUS GET THE FUCK OUT NICK!!" Everyone laughed as they piled into her room. They sat around the room as they waited for breakfast to come up. They had a tailor coming to make sure all the suits were good then they had a barber as well stopping by. This was mafia met Disney Princess basically. Jennifer the princess and Emily the bad guy sweeping her off her feet so they can live happily ever after.


The girls and I arrived at the wedding venue around 1, the wedding was starting at 3. I walked everything off with the wedding planner as our moms followed along with Garcia to double check everything and let's just say I'm glad I have waterproof makeup. The vision we had definitely came to life.

The ceremony place was old meets modern, we used a rundown church then from there we would head to the The Hôtel de Villa (city hall) for the reception and that place.. Just imagine all those fairytales where the Prince and Princess are dancing around with lights and flowers everywhere. I can't wait to marry Emily. To become Mrs. Prentiss for the second time.

"Oh Jennifer.. It's so beautiful" my mom said as we looked over the reception area, everything wasn't done yet but we still had time and I couldn't wait.

"It's absolutely amazing"



Y'all's outfits ready? 👀 the wedding is next and you don't want to miss this.

Stay tuned babies! 💖🥰

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