3 - Bunny

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The next day Yeonjun woke up with a raging headache. He shouldn't have drank so much last night. He recalled drinking multiple bottles of Vodka when he got home in celebration of getting someone's phone number.

The male got up out of bed and went to the bathroom and took a quick shower before going to his kitchen to cook a quick hangover soup.

He took his soup to the couch and turned on the tv, surfing through the channels before he heard a ding on his phone.

Yeonjun grabbed his phone and checked his messages quietly, smiling when he saw who had texted him.

Good morning 😊
Don't forget to eat breakfast and have a good day!

Yeonjun chuckled softly at the caring brunette's words and smiled before texting the boy back.

You too, don't forget to eat
Also good luck at your doctor's appointment!
Fighting! 😀

Thank you!
I'll talk to you later, I have to go now

Alrighty, bye bye

Yeonjun smiled before setting his phone down and finishing his soup. What a great start to his day.


Yeonjun decided to call in sick today since he had a bad hangover and talking to people, well except for Soobin, wasn't really the best thing to do today with a hangover.

He had decided he would just play video games, read, or draw today since he didn't have anything planned. But he wanted get some baked goods before he stayed at home so he ended up walking to the bakery down the street from his apartment.

Upon entering the small but cozy bakery, he spotted his friend, Kai, serving customers behind the counter and smiled before getting in line. Yeonjun knew the younger male would be happy to see him so he hid behind the other customers until it was his turn.

"Hi, welcome to Nap of a Star Café, what can I get yo- Hyung?!" The boy was indeed surprised but happy to see the older. With a big smile on his face he hummed softly. "What are you doing here?"

Yeonjun smiled back "I took the day off so I decided to come here. I'll take a butter muffin please"

Kai nodded and rung his order up as they chatted for a minute.

"How's work been?"

"Oh, just the usual. Many people come here on dates and we have gotten a lot more attention since we added our bunny cakes. The teens and college students love them" Kai explained, giving Yeonjun his change

"Bunny cake?"

"Yeah! They are little cakes that are shaped like bunny heads and they have frosted faces" the younger boy said, happily telling his friend about the cafe's newest addition to the menu.

"Oh. I'd like to try one please." Yeonjun said and handed the boy some money.

"Sure Hyung!" The younger said, getting one of said treats and placing it in a small, cute box before handing it to Yeonjun, along with his muffin.

"Thanks Kai. Let's hang out sometime soon, yeah?" Yeonjun asked. He hadn't hung out with the boy for a few weeks due to their schedules being completely different, but they could always make some time to hang out together.

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