9 - Modeling Part 1

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Soobin was having a peaceful sleep on this fine Saturday morning. He was having a nice dream that he was cuddling Yeonjun and they were living together when he heard a knock on his door.

Immediately being waken up he frowned and glared at the door and spoke with a sleepy voice "go away I'm trying to sleep!" Laid back down but frowned when he heard the door open so he looked over at the door angrily, about to yell at the person for coming in without his permission before he saw who it was and his eyes widened.

"Good morning to you too, son" said his father. Soobin groaned. He didn't want to see him this morning and he knew for sure that he didn't have anything scheduled for today so he didn't know why the older man was here.

"Don't you have somewhere important to be today, father?" He huffed as he sat up on the bed and looked at the older who just hummed.

"Yeah, about that." He started, looking at Soobin "you see, my model for today called in sick with the flu and so I didn't have a model" he looked at Soobin to make sure he was listening "so, I figured since I don't have another model to do this photo shoot, you will just replace them for the day since you're my son and you're good looking as well. I knew that if I called you you would just hang up and stay home so I decided to come."

Soobin blinked thrice, processing what he had just heard come out of his fathers mouth before his eyes widened and he violently shook his head no.

"No! Absolutely not, I will not do that. You know I don't like being the center of attention in public! Everyone will stare at me and follow me for the rest of my life with flashing cameras and then I'll be surrounded by gold diggers who want to be with the handsome son of a rich family, who is married by the way!" He blurted out with a huff.

His father frowned and looked at the male. "You're going to do it weather you like it or not young man." Soobin groaned and face planted into his pillow, not wanting to do this at all. Usually whenever the man had something like this happen he'd call his cousin up instead but now he was asking Soobin because his cousin was staying in America for a while.

The old man sighed and looked at Soobin. "Will it make you feel more enthusiastic if I allow you to bring someone along with you?" He asked and the boy slowly turned to look at him with a raised brow.

"I can bring anyone I want? And you won't make them do work for you?" He asked curiously. He was surprised his father was acting this way. He must be in a good mood for some reason. His father nodded, confirming his questions.

Soobin thought about it for a minute before getting out of bed with a stretch and a yawn "fine, get out so I can get dressed." He said while walking to his closet.

"Marvelous! I'll meet you at the company building then." Said his father who then exited his room and left the house. Soobin rolled his eyes and grabbed a light blue button up with some dress pants and his favorite black converse shoes. He took a shower before getting dressed and going to his car.


Soobin hummed as he walked through the doors of the restaurant, once again admiring the interior decorations.

"Hi welcome to— oh, hyung!" Heesung smiled at the older who smiled back. "Yeonjun hyung is over there" he said as he gestured toward the blue haired, who was taking a table's order. Soobin thanked Heesung before walking over.

Yeonjun smiled at the small group of people "welcome all, what can I get you guys toda- eeek!!" Yeonjun gasped when he felt a slap on his bum and quickly turned around to see Soobin grinning down at him. Yeonjun frowned and glared at him "go wait in my office, ask Heesung" he said with a huff before turning back around to face the group of people at the table. "I am so so sorry about that, what can I get for you guys?" Soobin pouted and walked away to go find Heesung to ask where Yeonjun's office was.


The tall brunette sighed softly as he waited for Yeonjun to come in, just spinning in his swivel chair and laying his head on the desk occasionally. Soobin heard the door open and close then lifted his head up with a smile.

"Junni- ouch!" Yeonjun whacked him on the back of the head and crossed his arms. Soobin looked at him with a pout. "What?"

"What do you mean what??? You slapped my ass while I was talking to a customer! You can't just do that Soobin!" He huffed and glared at the younger boy with his arms crossed.

"I'm sorry Jun, I was just happy to see you" he said softly and Yeonjun turned away from him. The taller sighed and got out of the chair. He walked over to the older boy and , wrapping his arms around the boy's waist and setting his chin on his shoulder. "Junnieeeeeeeee~" the older ignored him.



"Sweetie pie~"

"Baby boy~" Yeonjun smacked him and Soobin chuckled as Yeonjun turned around to face him.

"Don't say that it's cringe" he was totally blushing and Soobin smiled.


Yeonjun looked at him and sighed softly "is there something you wanted to talk to me about, Binnie?" He said, hugging the younger.

Soobin hummed softly and nodded before telling him what his dad said. "So, I was wondering if you'd like to come watch me model today" he asked quietly. "If you don't want to then I'll just steal Heesung from you for today."

Yeonjun hummed and pulled away from the hug "firstly, Heesung's not going anywhere. Secondly, I will go because I wanna see you model and make sure those camera people don't make you do weird poses and concepts" he said quietly, holding Soobin's hands.

Soobin smiled and leaned forward about to kiss him but Yeonjun put his finger against his lips to stop him "uh uh, I'm still mad at you." Soobin kissed his finger and pulled away. "Eww!!" Yeonjun wiped his finger off and huffed.

"I'll wait in my car cutie pie~" he said and Yeonjun rolled his eyes, walking over to the door after finishing a few things. He told his workers that he was going home and told them to make sure they did their work while he was gone before he went outside to Soobin's car, getting in the passenger seat and buckling his seat belt (safety first people!!).

Soobin smiled at him and kissed his cheek quickly before starting the car up and pulling out of the parking lot.

They sat there quietly holding hands as Soobin drove to their destination.


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