14 - The party

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Soobin rolled his eyes as his father re-did his tie for him.

"Remember Soobin, you must look your very best for this event. I do not want you to make a fool out of yourself and have the other families make us a laughing stock." He said as he continued making sure everything looked perfect. Of course, Soobin already looked like a trillion bucks, but he wanted to be extra sure.

Soobin frowned and swatted his father's hands away with a huff. "I told you already I won't, so you can stop pestering me about it." He said, annoyed by his father's overreacting.

"Well I just wanted to be sure. Anyways, is that friend of yours coming too? What's his name, Yunjin or something? He's so much more well mannered than you. You should take notes." The old man said as he grabbed his cell phone from the dresser.

The younger male once again rolled his eyes as he grabbed his stuff to leave. "Yes father, Yeonjun's comming, so please don't harass him about joining the company as a model."

The old man waved his hand about the air. "Yeah yeah whatever. Let's go now." He said as he walked out of Soobin's room, the younger following after him.


The building was huge. Yeonjun was sure he'd never seen such a huge building in his life and he was sure he'd get lost for sure. He had just arrived and didn't know what to do, so he ended up just standing there in front of the entrance, hoping that he might spot Soobin.

He pouted when he couldn't really see his boyfriend over the sea of people and got frustrated, about to admit defeat until someone grabbed him from behind. He yelped and quickly turned around, seeing an old man with a smirk on his face.

"Sorry sweet stuff, I just couldn't help myself~. How about you and me go somewhere more private?"

Yeonjun frowned and cringed. Who did this man think he was? Yeonjun didn't like when people tried to take advantage of him just because he was prettier than some (most) girls. Yeonjun was about to snap and yell at the man but was stopped by a familiar voice.

"Mr. Shin I don't think you should be acting like that towards the guests. You should know better by now, wouldn't want your wife to know you were sleeping around, now would you?"

Yeonjun looked over to Soobin who had appeared and put his arm around Yeonjun's shoulder in a seemingly friendly way with a small smirk on his face that all three noticed.

The old man frowned and grumbled. "You little smart ass. You're lucky we're in public." He said before walking away angrily.

Soobin chuckled and Yeonjun looked up at him. The younger smiled at the boy and poked his cheek. "I'm glad you made it Junnie~"

Yeonjun smiled softly "thank you Binnie. Why aren't you with Stella?" He asked, noticing that said woman was mingling with other people in the crowd. Soobin hummed and pinched his cheeks.

"Well I couldn't just let my prince be taken away by the evil troll, now could I?" He teased and Yeonjun pouted. "Shut up." He grumbled and Soobin laughed.

"I'm just kidding Jun. but seriously, there are a lot of people here like him so you need to be careful not to explode. Yeonjun blushed and nodded, knowing Soobin saw him about to yell at the man.

"Anyways, I have everything planned out perfectly for today Junnie, just you wait~" Soobin said proudly, which made Yeonjun giggle. "Okay Binnie~" he said with a smile.

For about 20 minutes, Soobin had been talking to Yeonjun while talking to other people in the place. He knew they only wanted to make a good impression on him since he was from one of the richer companies. Nothing but gold diggers.


Late into the night, Mr. Choi took the stage. Spotlights went on him and he held a microphone in his hand.

"Good evening ladies and gentlemen! I hope you're having fun tonight. It's so nice to see so many of you here with your spouses and partners. In fact, my son Soobin is also here with his spouse, probably spending quality time with her~" the old man said with a smile. He was about to speak, but another voice was heard on a microphone somewhere else.

"Yeah, about that-" after a little bit of searching, spotlights were shone on Soobin, who was across the room on the stairs, smiling out to all of the people.

Everyone was whispering and talking but looked at Soobin when he spoke up.

"As my father said, I hope you've all been having a great night. However, there are some things I'd like to announce~" he said, ignoring his father who was gesturing for him to stop.

"Firstly, I'd like to thank you all for entertaining me with your fake smiles and friendliness. I know how tiring it must be to fake being nice to others in the industry. Anyways, all that aside, now to my announcements."

Yeonjun looked up at Soobin who was at the top of the stairs, now starting to make his way down.

"Firstly, I'd like you all to know that me and Stella are no longer married. We divorced several days ago and have not talked until today, since we had to be here."

Everyone gasped. Soobin's father was beyond pissed, as he tried to unplug the microphone from the tech room, nothing happened and Soobin made his way down the stairs.

"Secondly, I want to let you all know that I have zero interest in the family business and will therefore not take over the company as the heir." He hummed, watching the people's surprised faces and whispers being shared.

"Lastly, I would like you all to know that I have found someone who truly loves me for me and not my money. This person makes me smile and makes life worth living." Yeonjun's eyes widened, watching as Soobin made his way through the crowd towards him, stopping in front of him and smiling.

"HE has always been there for me when I'm at a low and makes my day brighter just by seeing him. I love him so much and want to spend my entire life with him." Soobin got down on one knee and pulled a box out of his pocket, opening it to reveal a ring. Yeonjun looked at Soobin, tears brimming his eyes as he watched the younger.

"Choi Yeonjun, love of my life, will you be mine for eternity and marry me?" He asked.

Yeonjun didn't think twice before nodding rapidly, tears now falling down his cheeks. "Yes! I will marry you Choi Soobin!" He said happily with a smile. Soobin slid the ring on Yeonjun's finger and got up, pulling him into a kiss.

The guests had a mix of reactions, some angry, confused, and disgusted, while others cheered or silently rooted for them. Soobin's father was fuming, and Soobin noticed him approaching the couple so he grabbed his fiancé's hand.

"Care for a walk?" He asked before running out of the venue with Yeonjun following behind. He took him to his car and drove them away from the building, hand in hand with the boy.

Soobin drove them to a hill that no one goes to, where they could see a perfect view of the city. Yeonjun sat on Soobin's lap as he sat on the hood of the car, playing with the younger's hair.


"Yes Junnie?"

Yeonjun looked up at the other and smiled. "Thank you for loving me." Soobin smiled at that and kissed his cheek. "Thank you for loving me back." He said softly in return.

Yeonjun snuggled into him. "Hmm, Binnie."

"Yes, love?

"Wanna go home and have a celebratory fuck?" He asked shyly. Soobin chuckled and smirked.

"Of course~"

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