6 - No Choice

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Soobin groaned loudly as he pushed the stop button on his alarm. He was having a dream where he was with Yeonjun and they were doing stuff that he thought about on the daily but no one would know what they were. He got out of bed with a sigh before going to the bathroom for a shower.

After he finished showering he got dressed in a simple button up and black pants put with black hightop converse. He hummed softly before going downstairs to the living room, but frowning when he looked at the couch. His wife and some random dude were making out in the open as if there wasn't a 3 year old in the house that could wake up and walk in on them at any time.

The tall male just cleared his throat loudly, gaining their attention as he glared daggers at the two who pulled away so fast to look at him as if they just got caught doing something illegal.

Soobin rolled his eyes "I'm taking Minsoul to daycare. Do whatever, I don't care, just stay the fuck out of my room." He said before walking to said girl's bedroom. He found it amusing how that woman could just bring whoever she wanted to their house and have to confidence to do stuff like that out in the open, even if one of their parents could catch them if they came unexpectedly.

Soobin shook his head before entering the bedroom and walking towards the bed. He sat down on the bed and lightly patted the sleeping girl's shoulder

"Soul-ah, you have to wake up now" he said as she stirred.

"I don't wanna" she mumbled as she turned on her stomach under the blanket.

Soobin smiled softly before getting an idea "if you don't get up now the tickle monster is gonna get you~" he said, lifting his hands, about to tickle the girl before she sat up quickly

"I'm up!" She said, quickly hopping out of bed and getting her little travel bag and an outfit out. Soobin chuckled before helping her pack and change her clothes since she can't fully do it yet.


Soobin waved goodbye to Soul, who waved back before she walked into the daycare center with her teacher. The male sighed softly as he got back into his car, starting to drive. He turned his head for a second to his phone which was in the passenger seat ringing. He picked it up, looking back at the road.


"Is that how you greet me?" A man said behind the phone.

Soobin mentally cursed for not checking the caller ID first "sorry father. I did not check who called before answering" he replied, hearing the old man scoff.

"Whatever, what are you doing right now?" He asked.

"Im driving" Soobin replied carefully as he focused on the road.

"Good. I need you to drive here immediately."

"Yes sir. Im on my way" he said as the man hung up on him without another word. Soobin sighed and tossed the phone back into the seat next to him. He disliked his father and the company for many reasons. He hated how his father had control over everything he did pretty much. He had little freedom and couldn't even date who he wanted as long as his father was around which really irritated him.


Soobin walked down the hall of the familiar office building that he was bound to stay at for probably the rest of his life, ignoring the looks and whispers about him from people around about how hot and handsome he was. He had no interest in them at all.

Standing in front of his father's office he knocked before going inside, closing the door behind him. His father turned towards him and gestured him to sit down, which he did.

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