16 - New start

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It had been a couple weeks since Soobin made his big scene at the party, and as they expected, his father cut him off completely. He tried asking him to come back a few times, but Soobin was not having any of it. He managed to buy a new phone before his father cut his money off, so he didn't have to hear from him anymore.

Yeonjun woke up a few minutes ago and was currently cuddling his fiancé while admiring his facial features, occasionally placing soft kisses on his face.

Yeonjun smiled softly as he gently traced the younger's jawline. "My Binnie is so handsome~" he whispered happily. He was about to kiss his cheek but was met with Soobin's lips on his, and a hand pulling him closer.

They pulled away and Yeonjun blushed at Soobin, who had opened his eyes with a slight smirk on his face. "I- how long were you awake?" He asked nervously.

"Hmm, since before you woke up, cutie" Soobin winked at the red Yeonjun before sitting up with him. Soobin pulled the male onto his lap and smiled up at him happily. "Ahhh, you're so beautiful Junnie~" he said softly while the other just blushed. Soobin kissed Yeonjun softly, wrapping his arms around his waist with a smile as the other started kissing back.

Soobin deepened the kiss and almost shoved his tongue into his lover's mouth, but was stopped when Yeonjun pulled away with a grin and a finger placed on the younger's lips. "Don't you have an interview to go to today, Bin?" This caused said male to groan.

"Can't I have just one quickie with my beloved baby boy before I go?" He pleaded. Yeonjun kissed his forehead and got off his lap before heading over to the dresser to find some shorts to wear, putting them on when he did.

"No babe. If I keep letting you get what you want you'll become spoiled. And besides, I don't need Heesung teasing me for limping around the restaurant all day again." He grumbled as he put on his comfy shorts that only went down to his mid thigh. "Go get dressed Binnie, I'll cook your favorite breakfast!" He said excitedly. Soobin was about to say something but Yeonjun cut him off. "I know I'm delicious, but you need to eat real food." Soobin whined as the older left the room.

"So unfairrrrrrr" he said before getting up and getting ready for his job interview.


Soobin sat down in the chair with a pout as his lover put a plate of waffles in front of him before sitting across from him. It wasn't long before they were playing footsies while eating and Soobin was getting upset because Yeonjun thought it was a good idea to rub his foot on the boy's thigh near his crotch to tease him.

Soobin decided he had enough and got up, throwing Yeonjun over his shoulder, and taking him to the bedroom and laying him on the bed while he was blushing slightly. "Binnie, you need to go soon, you-" he was cut off by a sloppy kiss, which he returned, wrapping his arms around the other's neck. They kissed for a while, while Soobin gently rubbed Yeonjun's front area through his shorts, causing him to let out a few soft moans.

Yeonjun pulled away and tried to unbutton Soobin's dress shirt, but was stopped by Soobin's hands while he shook his head, a smirk on his face as he did so. "Ah Ah Ah~ I have an interview to go to, my love~" he said, turning Yeonjun's words against him. 'That sneaky bastard' Yeonjun thought with a frown as Soobin pulled away after kissing his forehead. "I'll see you later Junnie. Maybe we can continue this after you're done with work~" he hummed before leaving the apartment for the interview.

Yeonjun laid there quietly for a bit before sighing. Now he had to fix his little problem alone, but he brought it upon himself so he couldn't complain.


Yeonjun hummed softly as he typed into his work computer. He was currently entering some files and paying bills like he did every month for the restaurant until someone knocked on the door.

Yeonjun looked up when he heard the knock and saw the boy. "Come in." He said, saving his spot before turning to Heesung who walked in and sat on a chair with a huff. Yeonjun could tell something was bothering him since he rarely ever came into his office like this being all sulky.

"What happened, Sung?" He asked softly, focusing on the boy and wanting to know why he's like this. The younger pouted as he leaned back in the leather swivel chair, wheeling back and forth with his shoulders dropped.

"Hoonie's friends are stealing him away from me." He complained. "What do you mean by that? How are they taking him away?"

"Well, these past two weeks, every time I want to hang out with my boyfriend, his friends always show up and get in the way. Not to mention they have been a bit too touchy as well. I've been trying to talk to him about it, but he's always with them and I can't get any private time alone with him without annoying friends that make me wanna kill someone, and with no annoying people." He ranted out, whining as he laid his head on the desk.

Yeonjun felt bad for the male since he had been noticing him sulking a few times during work hours. He looked at Heesung and pat his head.

"Have you tried talking to him when they are gone?"

The boy looked up at the older male and shook his head with a deep sigh. "Every time I try, his friends call or he tells me he won't be out long and I can't help but accept it because I love him so much."

Yeonjun hummed as he listened. "Well, maybe try to get his attention when you two are at home alone. Sit him down on the couch or something and tell him everything that you're feeling and express your concerns to him calmly. You need to communicate with each other in order for things to work out, or everything just falls apart." He explained, hoping the boy would be able to gain his lover's attention back.

Heesung thought for a bit before smiling softly. "Thank you hyung. You always know what to say.

"It's no problem Sung." Yeonjun smiled widely. "How about I let you leave early today?"

Heesung gasped. "Really?! Thank you so much!!" He said before running out of the room to go, running past Soobin, who just arrived.

"Go get your mans!" The older yelled after him before looking at Soobin. "Binnie~" he stood up to give his fiancé a hug and a kiss.

"Someone is in a good mood" the younger pointed out and Yeonjun just nodded, rubbing the younger's back. "Just helped Sung get some courage to take his boyfriend back from his friends' grasps."

Soobin chuckled and looked at the shorter in front of him. "How nice of you~" he sat on the chair, pulling Yeonjun into his lap.

Yeonjun wrapped his arms around the boy and hummed softly. "How was the interview Binnie?

Soobin looked at Yeonjun and kissed his nose. "I got the job easily. I will start next week." He announced and Yeonjun laughed happily.

"I'm proud of you Binnie~"

"Hmmm, how about I get a reward since I did a good job." The taller whispered into his ear seductively. Yeonjun blushed a deep red and smacked his chest.

"Not here!!!"

Soobin smirked. "At home?" He said, staring at him with puppy eyes and who was Yeonjun to refuse?


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