17 - Sungsung Special

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I did not check for errors so if there are don't mind them. Enjoy.

Heesung drove fast to his apartment, but not too fast for safety, and quickly went up the stairs to his and his boyfriend's home.

He unlocked the door and took his shoes off before closing and locking it again. He set his stuff down and fixed his beanie before looking around the living room to see if he saw the love of his life, frowning when he didn't.

He guessed he was in their bedroom, so he walked into it, peeking around and seeing the bathroom light on. He snuck on over and saw his boyfriend drying off his hair from a shower while looking through his phone.

Heesung took this chance to walk in and carefully wrap his arms around the boy's waist and lay his head on the boy's shoulder. The boy was startled but calmed down when he saw his boyfriend in the mirror.

"You're back early Sungie." He said with a smile, gently rubbing circles and the back of his hands. Heesung nodded and kissed the boy's cheek.

"Jun hyung let me leave early today." He said while humming. He looked at his boyfriend, Sunghoon's, face happily. He was very handsome and beautiful, sharp jawline, pointy nose, perfect pearly white teeth, etc. the older could admire his beauty for days on end and be perfectly content.

"Really? That's nice of him, love. I was hoping to spend some time with you before I go to Johnny's house with some friends." Heesung's face dropped from a smile to a frown and his brows furrowed slightly.

"You're going out again?" He asked softly, a bit hurt that he didn't tell him earlier. Sunghoon looked at him apologetically and turned around to hold his hands.

"I'm sorry Sungie, he called out of nowhere and talked so fast I couldn't help but just say yes." Heesung looked at him and sighed softly.

"It's okay Hoonie." He said before turning away to leave the bathroom, heading to the living room and sitting down on the couch with a slight pout and arms crossed.

The brunette turned the tv on and flipped through different channels until he found one he wanted to watch.

Sunghoon followed after him and sat down next to the curled up male in a ball. "Sung, are you angry with me?" He asked quietly. He had been noticing his boyfriend's down mood recently and couldn't figure out the reason and came to the conclusion he was upset with something. It hurt him not to know what was wrong with the older male.

The brunette shook his head, not looking at the raven haired. Sunghoon watched him quietly before speaking. "Sungie, please tell me what's wrong. I hate seeing you upset and not knowing what's wrong." He pleaded, reaching out to hold his hand.

Heesung bit his lip, hesitating, before sighing and turning to Sunghoon sadly. "I'm not upset or angry at you Hoonie. I'm just a little sad. Recently, you've been too preoccupied with Johnny and his friends and I never get to spend time with you. Yeah, we have time at the house when we wake up and go to bed, but i hate seeing you always going out with them and leaving me alone. I don't want to be that over protective boyfriend who never lets their partner leave the house, but it hurts when you are almost always gone, and when you aren't, they always call you and take time away from us together." He explained, gaining some courage to finally let his thoughts and feelings out. "I'm tired of always just staying quiet and letting you go out with them because I love you and would never dream of holding you from what you want to do, but I just want my boyfriend back . I want you back Hoonie." He said, looking at him with sad eyes.

Sunghoon sat there shocked. He never knew this was how his boyfriend felt about this and he felt really bad for not noticing all this time how it was affecting the older male. He felt like an asshole for letting his friends convince him to be out all the time. He knew Johnny was flirty with everyone so he never took it to heart but seeing how Heesung was telling him the things he felt about him made him realize maybe his friends weren't really his friends and just wanted to keep them apart.

Sunghoon pulled Heesung into a hug, nuzzling his neck and placing soft kisses on it. "I'm sorry hyung, I never meant to hurt your feelings or make you feel bad. I promise I'll try to be better with how often I go out now. Will you ever forgive me?" He asked softly, looking at the brunette with pleading eyes.

The older smiled softly. He was so happy that Sunghoon actually listened to him and took his feelings into consideration this time. One of the reasons he fell in love with him.

"I forgive you Hoonie bear." He said softly. Sunghoon smiled and kissed him, the older kissing back immediately.

Sunghoon leaned in further to deepen the kiss with a hum, tapping on his lips with his tongue for entrance. Heesung parted his lips, allowing the other to enter and explore for a while, deciding to let the other dominate this time. (Horn knee switches 👀)

The raven haired reached down to take off the older's shirt before the older did the same thing with the younger's, both resuming the kiss until a phone was heard ringing.

Heesung audibly groaned when Sunghoon pulled away and grabbed his phone from the pocket of his sweatpants, answering and holding it up to his ear.

"What is it Johnny?" He asked. Heesung frowned, clearly annoyed at the person who had called.

"Hey Sunghoon, just wanted to confirm that you're coming around 4 right?" Said the male on the other line. Sunghoon looked down at his boyfriend, gently rubbing his bare chest.

"Actually Johnny, I can't come today. I've got something else to do tonight. Sorry." He said as he smirked down at the brunette who was listening with the most unamused face ever. He really hated Johnny and it was clear he was mad at the interruption.

"Huh? But we are gonna play games and watch movies. We even have some hot girls coming ov-"

"Yah!!" Heesung had heard what he said and snatched the phone from Sunghoon, putting it up to his ear. "My boyfriend is not interested in some hookers, let alone females, he's gay for fucks sake and he can't come to your little party thing because we are going to be making love all night instead, so kindly leave us the fuck alone and don't call again because I'm putting you on the blocklist!!" He shouted and ended the call before the male could say anything.

He tossed the phone onto the other couch and pouted while crossing his arms, noticing the boy above him with a shocked look on his face.

"What? He deserved it." He huffed out. Sunghoon just laughed and pushed him down on the couch.

"You're so hot when you're angry Sungie~" he hummed while pecking the boy's forehead.

"Well I can't stand people who don't respect boundaries and use other people for entertainment." He said with a frown.

"You're cute" the younger said before pulling him closer. "Who's topping tonight sweetheart?"

Heesung smiled at Sunghoon and held his waist.

"How about we take turns for tonight?"

Sunghoon nodded. "Fine with me~"

Then they made love all night like Heesung said they would, and both men woke up the next morning with sore butts and ended up staying home cuddling all day.

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