7 - You Can Help Me!

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Soobin hummed happily all the way down to the restaurant, parking his car and getting out before looking at the exterior. It reminded him of Yeonjun and thought it was just like him. The tall male shoved his hands in his pocket as he walked inside, looking around once again. It was a nice but not too fancy place with a dim lighting and a band playing soft music on a stage to the side.

Soobin admired the place before a boy came up to him.

"Hello, welcome to Jun's Cuisine, how many today?" Said the boy with a smile.

"Oh, I'm here to see Yeonjun" said Soobin with a soft hum as the employee looked at him confused. "Boss? Oh um, I don't know why you're here for him but he's over there" he said while pointing over to a table in the dining hall where Yeonjun was standing, it looked like he was cleaning and decorating it. Soobin smiled and nodded to the waiter boy before walking into the dining hall.

Yeonjun was wiping off a table that he had wiped like 10 billion times already and checking to see if it looked alright and not like crap before he felt arms around his waist. He squealed and quickly turned around, facing Soobin who had just almost scared the soul out of him by back hugging him without warning. Soobin on the other hand was just laughing at his reaction.

"Yah, what was that for?" He whisper yelled at the bunny boy who took a minute to calm down.

"Sorry Junnie, but that was too funny. I just wanted to give you a little hug, cutie~" he said before looking at the table. "What are you doing?" He asked softly before looking at the older.

Yeonjun looked at the table then at Soobin. "I'm making sure your majesty has a nice table to sit at while you stay here" he said jokingly.

"Awwwww, that's cute Jun~" he said, sitting down at said table. "Although, you don't have to attack the table with a washcloth and cleaner" he giggled softly.

"I-I, shut up" Yeonjun huffed softly. Soobin smiled at the male and sat back in his seat.

"Junnieeeeee I'm hungryyyy" he said, patting his stomach with a pout. Yeonjun couldn't help but stare at his cute face before shaking his head. He walked over to the counter and grabbed a menu from the host counter and handed it to the boy who grabbed it and looked through all the choices. "Wow, these all sound delicious. I'll definitely be coming back here often to try everything" he said, causing the older to blush slightly. He wouldn't complain if he got to see Soobin while he worked.

"Binnie what do you want to drink? I'll get it while you look at the menu" Yeonjun said, watching the older skim through all the food options. "Hmm cola, thanks babes~" he said, not looking at Yeonjun who blushed and walked away to the soda fountain, grabbing a cup.

Heesung walked over when he came back into the kitchen "who's that?" He asked, a mischievous smile on his face. "Is he the creator of those marks that still haven't disappeared fully?" Yeonjun frowned as he filled the cup with Soobin's drink before calming down and getting an idea as he turned towards the boy with a playful smirk.

"He is. And his name is Choi Soobin" he said as he put a lid on the cup with a straw, taking a sip of the drink as he watched the younger's mouth hang open in shock.

"You mean Choi Soobin, son of the CEO of Choi corporations? THAT Choi Soobin?" Yeonjun nodded and hummed and started walking back to the table.

"C'mon, I'll let you serve his table today you fanboy simp. I won't forget to tell your boyfriend" he said as he walked to where Soobin was, taking another drink before setting the cup on the table in front of him, Heesung standing behind him while he silently fanboyed that THE Choi Soobin was in front of him.

Soobin looked up at Yeonjun and smiled, happily grabbing the cup and taking a drink. "You'd better not drink all my soda Junnie I might attack you" he said before he looked at Heesung with a wave. "Who is this?" Heesung immediately bowed.

"I'm Heesung, I'll be your server for today. Also me and my boyfriend are huge fans of you, can I have your autograph?" He asked. Soobin chuckled softly "sure" he then proceeded to sign something that Heesung could keep, making the boy smile. "Thank you so much! Anyways what can I get for you today?" He asked, holding his notepad and pen.

Soobin looked at the menu again "I'll just have a tteokbokki plate and a bowl of rice with kimchi please" Heesung nodded and walked away to the kitchen to get the order ready.

Yeonjun sat down across from Soobin and stared at him. The taller was just so beautiful. His thoughts were interrupted when Soobin sighed.

"What's wrong Binnie?"

Soobin shook his head "it's nothing much Jun. just my asshole of a father" Yeonjun frowned as he listened. He didn't like it when Soobin was upset. He grabbed Soobin's hand and rubbed the back of it gently.

"You can tell me if something is bothering you Binnie, I'll listen" he said softly as he looked at Soobin. The taller smiled softly.

Soobin sighed and looked at Yeonjun "my stupid father wants me to go to this stupid useless business party in about a month and I have to bring Stella with me. He says something about it being a good opportunity to show everyone the power of our company's collaborations or some shit that makes no sense." He said with a huff as Yeonjun just listened. "I don't even understand why he's making me go all of a sudden. He never makes me go to these so I don't know what he's up to. I don't even like the bitch but we have to pretend to be in a happy relationship. Fuck, I don't know what to do."

Yeonjun nodded slowly, processing the information. "I'm sorry you have to go through that Soobinnie. If there is anything I can do to help you I would" he said softly. Soobin just thought for a minute before looking up at Yeonjun with a mischievous smile.

"Maybe there is!" Yeonjun looked at the younger male with a raised brow.

"I have an idea."

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