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"Ma'am, today you have total ten meetings to attend. The first one is at 9 AM with our new clients who have come from Indonesia and then you have another meeting at 11 AM. After that you...." My secretary Lily keeps reminding me about the numerous meetings I have to attend today. But all I am thinking of going back to the apartment because today, I am really not in the mood to talk to anyone.

I have been having an argument with Papa for some time and that's the reason behind my mood off. I don't like it when we argue because he is literally my best friend, but at the same time I can't agree with what he wants from me. He freaking wants to appoint a bodyguard for me as if I don't already have tons thanks to his protectiveness. But now, he wants a bodyguard who will be with me 24 hours of the day. Like, as if I am a baby who needs a nanny to look after her as if I can't do that myself.

He needs to understand that I am a 26-year-old grown woman and I can do things of my own. I don't need someone to be on my back all the time. Frankly speaking, I don't like it when anyone invades my privacy and a new bodyguard means to share my apartment with him too which is a big no from me.

Also, I have to go to different states all the time for business purpose and that means the bodyguard will be accompanying me there too. I just don't understand what's the need for so much security. I understand that as the daughter of the famous Alessandro Bianchi and Anupama Bianchi, I have a lot of enemies. But that doesn't mean I can't handle them on my own. I think Papa is forgetting that he has given me training on combat fighting and gun shooting. I even have a license to keep my own gun with me.

Now I think only one person can help me and that's Mum. I should call her and tell her everything that is going on. So, that she can handle Papa and makes him understand that his wish to get me a bodyguard is not going to work. No, I should directly meet her so that I can work my charm on her with my cute face and puppy eyes.

"Lily, cancel all the meetings." I let out standing up from my chair.

"But ma'am, then it will be hard to arrange them with tomorrow's schedule." She replies making me glare at her.

"I don't care what you have to do because right now I have to go somewhere else. So, you better do what I just told you to do." I order and walk out of my cabin.

I get inside the private elevator which directly takes me to the private garage where I have parked my car. Without wasting time, I drive the car towards the Bianchi mansion. It's been two years since I have moved out of there to my own apartment after I become the CEO. It's not like I wanted to move out of there but the apartment is closer to the company building so both Papa and Mum suggested to me that I should live in the apartment which is gifted by them on my 20th birthday.

After nearly half an hour of driving, I reach the place where I have spent so many years of my life. I get out of the car and make my way towards the entrance before ringing the bell. Soon enough, one of the maids opens the door. I nod my head in acknowledgment and walk directly to the backyard where I know Mum is resting in the swing.

❣𝐂𝐀𝐑𝐈𝐍𝐆 𝐅𝐎𝐑 𝐇𝐄𝐑 𝐇𝐄𝐀𝐑𝐓❣(BOOK 3) #HEART SERIESWhere stories live. Discover now