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Throughout the drive to the Bianchi mansion neither I nor Advira ma'am says anything. Only Evelyn and Amelia's nonstop talking can be heard in the car which is not bad. I understand that ma'am just wants to help me and my sister but it's not in my nature to take help from others.

After the sudden death of our parents 9 years ago, no one came to help me to take care of my little sister who was threatened to put into the orphanage. It's not like our parents were very loving towards us, but at least they were alive. At that time, Amelia was a toddler so it was extremely hard for me to look after her. That's why I decided to take three jobs per day because I needed to earn a lot of money to put food in our plates.

However, today I get to know that my sister gets starved because our uncle whom I thought of as a good person decided to keep all the money I give for my sister's expanses. I know that Advira ma'am is not lying because for some reason I can tell when she is telling the truth or when she is lying which she hasn't done yet.

"Are you coming inside, Dylan?" Amelia asks when the car stops in front of the huge mansion.

"You go with them. I have to go somewhere else." I reply.

"Where are you going?" Advira ma'am asks.

"I have some important work to do. So, can I take the car?" I ask in which she nods her head in response.

After the three of them get out of the car, I drive away from there to meet the person who is abusing my baby sister behind my back. It doesn't take me long to reach my uncle's house but what I didn't predict that the condition inside the house will be so bad. The whole house is filled with the strong smell of weed that there is no trace of fresh air.

It's good that the door is opened. Otherwise, I would have to break the door to come inside. Because Uncle is lying in a state of unconsciousness. But it is not that I feel any pity seeing him. Instead, I pick him up by the collar and drag him into the washroom before putting his head inside the water filled tub. Instantly, he jerks his eyes open and starts thrashing to get out of my hold.

"What is the hurry, Uncle? Let's get rid off your intoxication by staying inside the water." I say while putting pressure behind his neck.

"Let me go." He screams getting out of my hold but he isn't able to get much far because I punch him in the stomach.

"What are you doing, Dylan? Have you forgotten that I am your uncle?" He yells looking at me with anger but the fucker don't know that his anger doesn't scare me.

"So, now you want to me to remember that you're my uncle. Where were your sense of being an uncle when you were abusing my sister?" I spat making his eyes widen.

"Look, I can explain. Amelia was being a brat and that's why I punished he-" Without letting him complete his shitty confession I take a hold of his greesy hair and drag him towards the living room before throwing him in the middle. I don't let him take breath of calm because all I can imagine the crying face of Amelia.

❣𝐂𝐀𝐑𝐈𝐍𝐆 𝐅𝐎𝐑 𝐇𝐄𝐑 𝐇𝐄𝐀𝐑𝐓❣(BOOK 3) #HEART SERIESWhere stories live. Discover now