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It's been already one week since the bodyguard has started to live with me. Although I thought it would be awful to have someone unknown to live with but at least I am happy to say that he knows his boundary. He keeps to himself and doesn't bother me.

However, there is one thing I hate to share with him that is my kitchen. I am a clean freak when it comes to the cooking area but it's like he doesn't even know how to clean his room so I shouldn't even talk about the kitchen.

I still remember the horrifying sight of my kitchen when he first cooked something for him. Only he knows what he cooked because all I could see was a black object on the plate while the smell of something burning had my nose bleeding, not seriously though. That day, I got to know that this big ass man who calls himself a bodyguard doesn't know anything about cooking. Hell, he doesn't even have any idea how to boil an egg.

So, right now I am making breakfast for the two of us because I don't want to take any risks anymore with getting my kitchen burn. Also, my mother has taught me manners so I can't let my bodyguard starve while I eat delicious food.

I hear a throat clearing from behind and without looking back I know it's Dylan who is back from his daily workout session in the gym I have in the apartment.

"Have you showered?" I ask while putting three pancakes on a plate for him.

"Yes, I have showered in the gym." He replies in a deep tone making me hum.

"Here take it." I say while handling him the plate.

"Thank you, ma'am." He replies before taking a sit on the stool across the kitchen island. I put two pancakes on a plate for me and sit beside him on another chair.

None of us talk because I don't think there is anything interesting for me to talk to him. I eat my breakfast while scrolling through the latest news about business. Suddenly, an article catch my interest which is written about Mum's company. However, the more I read the more angry I get.

I throw the phone on the floor breaking it into multiple pieces but I don't care about it. I only care about my Mum's reputation which is being tarnished by some unethical morrons.

"Ma'am, is everything okay?" Dylan asks giving a blank look at the broken phone then shifting his attention to me.

"If all was well, would I have thrown my phone away?" I retort glaring at him.

"Sorry for asking such stupid things. But still, something must have happened that you are so angry." He says making me sigh.

"Look, I am getting very angry, so it would be better that you do not talk to me about anything right now." I reply and get up without completing my breakfast.

I walk into my bedroom and decide to send an ultimatum to the site which has published rubbish about my mother's company. They have the nerve to write that just because Ethan isn't a Bianchi by blood, he has been handover AB Enterprises which is q complete bullshit. It's a billion dollars company too so what's the big deal if Ethan is handling it.

❣𝐂𝐀𝐑𝐈𝐍𝐆 𝐅𝐎𝐑 𝐇𝐄𝐑 𝐇𝐄𝐀𝐑𝐓❣(BOOK 3) #HEART SERIESWhere stories live. Discover now