Chapter 26

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The whole ordeal with Lauren threatening John and I, had me in a pickle. My brain was going into overdrive. I knew what she wanted and she was going to use it to get it. She wanted Klein and I’s friendship, and there was no way we could stop her. However, Ellie knew about my anorexia, so I don’t know why she just didn’t use it earlier to regain my friendship. Lauren says she’s not that person but we all know her to be different. 

     Walking into Mr Jones’ classroom, made everything else worse. He had his eyes on Klein and I to the point where I wanted to run and hide. Except, I couldn’t run. I had to be in class at all costs, no matter how foolish the teachers are. We were the ones he had to keep an eye on. We were the supposed bad ones of the class. We’d only had one altercation - as a duo - with him. On the other hand, I’d had two. 

      Making our way to our seats, the class was silent and I wondered what was happening. We’d only sat at the outside table talking about John and I’s eating disorder. There was no talking about anyone or talking about any other subject. Well, John was speaking about this girl in his dentists waiting room. But that didn’t matter. What mattered was why everyone was suddenly so aware of Klein and I being in Mr Jones’ class. After all, we’d been here for the whole year so far. Even Mr Jones was staring right at us, which made me think that something big was happening. 

“Can Abigail Louisa and John Locke please make their way to the my office,” Mrs Jones’ voice called over the intercom. 

     It was only five minutes after lunch so how could we be called down so quickly? And for what? We’d done nothing. 

     I slid out my seat and made my way along the corridor towards Mrs Jones’ office. John met me halfway there, and he was just as surprised as I was. The confused look upon his face said it all. He just shook his head and continued on the way with me. 

    I knocked slightly on Mrs Jones’ door and she muttered a calm ‘come in’, and as John and I walked in, we saw Lauren sitting there with tears brimming her eyes. What have we done? 

“Please, take a seat,” Mrs Jones gestured. 

    Great! We were done for for something we never even done! John and I sat down on the two spare seats that she had meticulously placed far away from Lauren. It’s imaginable that she knew Lauren was lying or she thought we were going to punch her, I actually don’t know. One thing is for sure, we’ve done nothing wrong. 

“You’re both wondering why I called you down to my office, but some disturbing news has come to my attention regarding both of you,” Mr Jones spoke to both John and I. 

“And what may that be, Mrs Jones?” I asked confused. 

“Lauren here told me that both of you were picking on her at lunchtime, making her feel inferior because of her past eating disorder,” Mrs Jones answered. 

“Whoa, Mrs Jones, Abigail and I were not making anyone feel less than what they are. Abigail and I were talking about us, and our eating disorders. If you look on our files, then you’ll see that we have one,” John replied. 

“Mrs Jones, John’s right. In our files, you’ll see that we have eating disorders, and you can ask Cole, Cara and Klein about what we were talking about. Because, Klein and I were in a small argument over the disclosure of mine. Listen, I don’t know what lies Lauren has spoken but we weren’t making anyone feel less than what they are. We were merely telling each other that we were there if we needed it. We spoke about being the ears in case we needed it. And truthfully, John and I do. Our disorders aren’t for common knowledge but having someone who knows what you’re going through, that’s a bonus and when that someone is a friend, it’s even better,” I answered. “Look, Mrs Jones, you’re not going to believe John and I but we never, and I’ll repeat this, we never, said two words about Lauren and her supposed eating disorder. I’m not that sort of person, and neither is John, especially when we struggled with the disease and are still struggling. Can we please get to the point of what this is really about? Because, I, for one don’t like talking about my issues when something can be leaked,” I said, giving Lauren the evils. 

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