Chapter 6

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As I walked home with Cara, Ellie and Klein, I began thinking of what Miss Lancaster said. I know she was lying and I know she fabricated those lies to make me look bad, but what can I do? You have your freedom of speech and you have your right to do anything you want. I know you can get thrown in prison for slandering someone's name, especially against the royal family but, is it really worth it? At the end of the day, all she really is a silly teacher who teaches children about history. My family history was never part of the course outline. She's just a piece of humanity who dislikes the leadership of the country. According to her, we're nothing but biased. Which is completely untrue. I was brought up to be truthful and never to lie, so why would I start now? It's been the ground rules of my family for the last century. It's one of the ten rules we have painted on the wall in the study.

Cara and Ellie took off in their directions of home as Klein and I made our way towards the palace. The grand place I called home. The place where I was excluded from society. I could roam the streets but I had to be with a minder all the time, except when I was going to and from school. Weird logic really.

As Klein and I entered the palace, it was all hushed and tiptoeing around. It was as if something bad has happened. I hope there hasn't because I doubt I could take much more heartache. I also knew my gran was old, but she wasn't that old. She had more than a few years left in her. After all, she was only 64. Yes; she had my mum at 20 and my uncle at 18. She was just on the throne when she announced she was pregnant. As for my grandpa dying, he died young. Too young. He was 39 and battling with diabetes. After he was diagnosed, his health deteriorated fast, thus causing him to have strange things happen to him.

Klein grabbed my hand in a calming manner but to be honest with you, it wasn't working. I was anxious as to what was going on. I was scared as to why the staff were whispering and looking in our direction. That's what happened the last time when someone was hurt. Maybe I'm taking things the wrong way but, I don't know. Could be wrong, could be right.

I ran towards my gran's study, where she normally is. I, of course, was dragging Klein behind me. He knew how frantic I got whenever the staff was like that. As I trailed along the corridor, I felt myself getting breathless, which was common for me, but in this instance, I needed to know what was going on regardless of whether I was out of breath. As I stopped at her door, I felt myself getting lost. It felt like I was back 3 years ago.

I pushed the door open and everyone - my dad, gran and Klein's dad - was stood around a dummy. A fashion dummy with a dress on it. Strange...

"Ok, so you made the staff go incredibly quiet and set my weird reactors in my head go off, and it's just because there's a dress in the palace?" I said breathless.

"No one asked the staff to go quiet, Abigail. I think they were just simply stunned by the beauty of it," My gran spoke softly.

"How? Why?" I asked flabbergasted.

"It is not mine but yours. Klein's mum brought it over; she had it designed for you for the engagement ceremony. She is here but briefly nipped out for the toilet."

"But, why me?" I asked, shaking my head slightly.

"Because, you make my son happy. Whether you both realise how you feel, you make him happy. He comes home with a smile placed upon his face every time. He goofily gushes whenever your name is mentioned and he gets really annoyed whenever someone says something mean," Carole, Klein's mum spoke up. Klein and his mum were nothing alike. His mum was short, blonde hair and grey-ish eyes and she was frumpy. Slim but frumpy.

"Oh my god, mum," Klein groaned aloud.

"Yay, now I have something else to mock you about," I exclaimed cheerily.

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