Promises To Keep.

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My whole life I've been told that I'll rule one day, but what if I don't want to rule? What if I don't want to be granted the title of Queen, I literally hate that it was thrust upon me. I really do because it's not exactly easy. Most of my family - who've been past Kings and Queens - have made it easy for them, but I'm not exactly them and I do not have grace. Right now, I'm stood in the foyer of the palace waiting on my dad's arrival; he's King Michael, the illustrious ruler of Milowa. I hate it here though, but I have to stay. I need to stay.

As it stands, I'm the only one left in line for the throne in my family, when my dad steps down. My brother, Lucas, abdicated his right to take it, and his title. He claimed that he couldn't rule a country, especially one he wasn't really in love with. However, we all knew it was because he found his true love in a girl named Shelby. Yip, my brother did totally ignore the rule instated by the council. The rule that clearly states that you have to marry or be in a relationship with the one they pick out for you.

My so-called future husband is Count Klein; no he isn't related to Dracula or anything. He just has royal bloodlines along with his parents. Of course, it's not to my family, otherwise that would be awkward, but it is to a royal family nonetheless. I don't like him though; I never have to be honest with you. He was the troublemaker in school and he still is the troublemaker. Even though the whole female population fawns over him, they still leave him be. They all know he's 'mine'. I, on the other hand, gets forced to be around him. I have to be around him publically too. Unfortunately. Although, I'd much rather stick pins in my eyes. Not literally by the way. However, there is one good thing about our relationship and that is the fact that neither of us wants to be in it. Yes, the disliking of each other is mutual. Klein thinks I'm the most stuck up brat possible and I think of him as the rule breaker, which he is.

Klein's here with me at the moment and sometimes I just want to punch him right in front of all the cameras but to my dad it's completely unladylike. However, wouldn't you love to punch one annoying twat in the face? Especially when you're being forced to spend almost every waking hour with him? I would. I definitely would. But, I'd be tortured basically. Well, I'm exaggerating a little but that's not the point. The point is, I really want to smack his head off a brick wall and cause him concussion or a brain injury. He's a conceited twat. And he's the brat before I even am. But everyone's compares us, they keep saying to him 'Oh why can't you be more like Abigail? So quiet and calm' and then I get 'Why can't you be more like Klein? A bit more outspoken?' but we're polar opposites and I was brought up with manners and class. My mum would've scalded me if I didn't act like a princess in front of people. Especially at school. However, all that counts is here and now.

"You know, I absolutely hate this false act," Klein whispered.

"And you think I don't?" I snapped sarcastically.

My butler, Nicholas, just looked at me in an unforgiving manner but I brushed it off. I was used to Nicholas' glares here and there but he knew of my hatred for Klein, I think everyone knew, especially those who I was closest to. And of course, those were my two best friends Ellie and my cousin Cara. They both tell me to start a motion to get myself and Klein broken apart from this goddamn rule, but they'd never listen. The council love things done their way.

"Oh, I know you don't. I think the whole damn world knows it," He snapped. "Why, oh why did I have to get stuck with the stupid rich snobby kid," He then muttered to himself.

"Me, snobby? On what blooming planet? I'm the normal-est royal kid there's probably ever been. And that's all because of the ground rules my mum set up. Especially on how she raised me. Therefore, don't you dare call me bratty. When it's quite clearly you," I responded angrily.

I know he's making a dig at my mum but my mum was the best person the planet. Her heart of gold couldn't be replaced and could never be replicated. However, all I have left is memories. Unfortunately, my mum died a few years ago, to breast cancer. They tried everything to save her, but it was a little too late, and she knew that herself. My mum, Queen Louisa, was the one the country loved and now they love me. However, they only love me because I resemble my mum in so many ways. My mum was short like I am, and she had brown/hazel eyes but luckily she didn't have my bright ginger hair. I gained that unlikely characteristic through my gran. Not that my dad humped my gran. God, that sounds ridiculous. I meant that only so many people in my family gain the ginger hair, it's like every second or third person to be born gains the unruly gene of ginger hair. Yes, it did circulate speculation of whether I was my dad's or not, but it proved true when he done a DNA test to get everyone off his back. Ridiculed at its best.

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