Chapter 4

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It didn't feel right walking away from my mums grave after the slightly short grace. Mine is normally longer than what I said. I wanted to walk back and give an even longer one but I knew I'd end up spilling a lot more than what I planned to say. It's always tough saying things and then walking away, but you learn. Well, I've learnt that anyhow.

Klein took my hand, and we walked back to the car. He didn't say anything except rub his thumb over the back of my hand in a calming matter. It was also something my mum did to calm me as well. Even though I was the out-witted, never shut up 6 year old, I always got nervous whenever someone came up to my mum in the street. And that's when she found out that rubbing her thumb across my hand calmed me. I know I'm in safe hands and that Klein would hold me if I did break down but I need to be strong; I need to show the world that I am not afraid. Not of them, not of death but not of myself.

The car eventually pulled out the cemetery and we're on our way for royal lessons. Why I have to learn, I'll never know. I've learnt everything from my mum, and all I really need to do is copy from her but add my own little twist to it.

When Klein and I walking into my grans study, my dad and her were both in a very deep conversation. My gran was my dad's mother-in-law but she treated him like a child she'd given birth to. My mum's brother didn't want to behold the throne so he let my dad keep it since he was already doing a grand job already. But, something in this little talk made me suspect there was a few things happening that they didn't want me to know. What, I don't know.

"So, since you're both here, we should get started," My gran explained.

Klein and I just nodded our heads in agreement. None of us wanted these lessons; because we both know that, some lessons don't work.

My gran made us both sit down on chairs side by side. We were then told to drop hands and place them graciously over our legs. My legs also had to be folded over like a true lady, so no one could see my underwear. While Klein had to sit like a man, but without his private area on show.

She then made us walk hand in hand, but in the "proper" way. It had to show that he was holding on but not too tightly. It was the handhold you do when you're dancing with someone. It was a joke to be honest with you, because we're two 16 year olds, and things are done differently in this day and age.

"Gran, why must I learn again?" I groaned aloud.

"Because my dear one, keeping tradition is a major role in the royal family. You have to keep your elegance and grace with you at all times in the public eye, one major slip up and it could be game over for both of you. Now, where were we?"

"Packing up?" I slyly commented.

"Abigail Louisa, you will do as your grandmother is telling you. I won't be here to discipline next week, so you're going to have to do with your gran from there on out. I know you're hurting especially on today of all days but please try to do your best?" My dad spoke softly.

"Dad, I am trying but I know this stuff. Mum taught me behind your back, when she wasn't busy," I retaliated.

"Honey, I know. Your mum told me. However, this is for Klein's sake too. He doesn't have a clue probably about the logistics. Everything will be fine on the day. Just trust your instincts and your confidence. It's what I done."

"Dad, tell us the story of you and mum? Just kind of need to reflect back on things and the happier side today."

"You sure you won't cry?" My dad asked.

"I'll cry at anything today, whether it's emotional or not," I stated.

"Mum, you sure you want to hear this? Klein?"

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