Chapter 10

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Oh my god! The ring was absolutely beautiful. Normally, we'd be all fitted out in gold jewellery but this had to be the most beautiful silver ring I have seen in my life. It was silver with diamonds around the band, with the diamonds creating a small lotus flower shape on top and then a red ruby finishing off the middle of the flower.

"Of course, I will," I smiled happily.

As Klein slipped on the ring, everyone started clapping erratically. I was overjoyed and happy right now but I was scared as well. The task was next, and it was determining whether we could have our future. Bit of a weird layout to be honest with you. You're set up with so much promise and hope, to have it possibly ripped away from you in the blink of an eye.

After the ring was on my finger, we were ushered off the stage into the backroom. The five minute break was for us to get refreshed in time for the three hour task. However, the wait was only making my anxiety worse.

The back room consisted of a couch, a dressing table and a mini fridge full of drinks and snacks. Of course, there was also the en-suite toilet in the far corner. It's a little weird, this place, but it's a place where you're supposed to relax before show time. However, I couldn't relax, my body wouldn't let me.

"I thought you were about to say no there," Klein spoke up.

"Never in a million years would I. I was just shocked at the beauty of the ring. That's all," I smiled.

"Your dad thought you would be as well," He chuckled.

"Did you have it specially made? Or...?"

"Actually, your mum had it made three years ago. In my letter, it was stated for me to pick up the engagement ring from Laurie's a few days before the engagement," He spoke.

"My mum had this made?"

"Yep. I don't even know how your mum managed to place an order for three years. But, yeah, your mum had the ring specially made."

"Wow," I simply said.

"It's beautiful isn't it?" My dad's voice rung out.

"Definitely. Did you know about this?" I asked.

"Nope. I was shocked too when Klein showed me it along with your mums letter explaining what to do," My dad answered. "Aside from the ring, I came here to talk to you both about the task. I know what it is but I can't say. You'll find out in a few minutes. What I will say is, if you get a logical answer quickly, discard it. Alternatively, just keep it in mind. The simplest of answers sometimes aren't the best of answers," He quickly said before walking off.

"Well, that was no help whatsoever," I laughed.

"We have this. We've got to have this," Klein muttered.

"We'll be fine. We can do this, we can do this," I spoke.

"I'm scared, Abi."

"So am I, don't worry. I thought I'd be more prepared but honestly, I'm not. I keep racking my brains to find some sort of logical answer to everything but the more I think, the more I keep getting confused."

"Don't confuse yourself. I kind of need you out there," He giggled.

"Did you just giggle?"

"Maybe," He said, enunciating the 'a'.

"You're strange," I laughed, shaking my head.

"And you love me for it."

"That, I do," I smirked.

"Abi," My brother exclaimed coming into view.

"Yeah?" I asked, raising an eyebrow.

"You did it. You're getting married," He smiled excitedly.

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