Chapter 12

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Trying to waken a sleepy group of friends was the worst. None of them would actually waken. It felt as if it was pointless until Andrew woke up, wakening Cara in the process. Yippee, we were getting somewhere.

"What time is it?" Cara mumbled.

"Half six," Klein responded.

"Wait, it's that early?" I asked dumbfounded.

"Yup," He stated simply.

"I didn't know that," I muttered.

"Well, now you do," He smirked, obviously hearing me.

"Shut it, Muppet," I said, rolling my eyes.

"Make me," He teased.

"I would but there's people around," I shrugged.

"Didn't stop you yesterday," He laughed.

"Oh shh!" I muttered.

"No PDA," Cara said sleepily.

"What if we do?" I asked curiously.

"Then you'll be getting a foot up your butt."

"I'm quaking in my non-existent shoes," I laughed.

"You will be when I get a hold of you," She spoke groggily.

"Whatever you say, Cara," I said, shaking my head. "Anyway, I'm going to go change from this and go see Nicholas," I said to Klein.

"I'll come with, give them time to waken up."

"Change first, so my dad doesn't suspect anything," I said while walking away.

"I don't think your dad will be up yet," He laughed from my side.

"It's surprising when my dad wakens up. He can be a bit of a nocturnal animal at times."

"It's part of the job though. We'll be the same, Abi."

"Unfortunately, I know that. However, when I don't sleep, I get cranky."

"We can tell. You also get emotional too," He said as we came to stop outside my room door.

"What do you mean emotional?" I asked.

"Take last night for example. After we danced and had the meal, you got cranky but then you got emotional. If Cara hadn't begged for me to come along with her and then hide, I wouldn't have known anything but you need to talk to me too. I can't be left in the dark about everything. You're my fiancée, and I need to know when you're feeling sad so I can help you be happy again. I want to help, Abi."

"And I want to let you in but I'm scared," I admitted.

"There's nothing to be scared of. I'm not going to run off and tell the world your secrets. That'd be a tad stupid because then I'd also be telling my own secrets in a way. But anyway, you're the one I'm spending my life with, so I'm not going anywhere," He smiled.

"I know that, Klein, but I'm still scared. It's nothing to do with you or anyone but I'm just scared."

"It's understandable. But, I am here if you need me."

"You'll always be there," I smiled before entering my room.

Instead of getting ready, I flopped down on my bed. I wasn't tired, but I was confused. Hearing Klein tell me that he needs to know when I'm sad so he can cheer me up, had me all over the place. I don't know why it did because he's my fiancé, and he's going to be my husband in the next few months. It's strange.

I looked down at my ring. I was still baffled at the sheer beauty of it. I was still baffled that it was mine, and that it was in silver. I could never imagine it being in gold and so beautiful in the gold band. Maybe I have been too egotistical over things but I am just an airhead. I'm the typical cliché princess. Always have been I suppose.

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