Chapter 19

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"Abigail Louisa, what can't you do?" My dad asked.

"This. Run a country. Raise a family. Be normal. I messed my body up all those years ago. I'm feeling in that same ballpark again. I can't help it anymore, dad. I feel like I'm absolutely useless. Everything's crumbling down around me and I can't stop it. My friends are turning on me, and I don't know what to do to stop it. Cara and Ellie keep making jibs about my past. Well, Cara is, Ellie isn't. I just can't stop feeling like this anymore, dad. Sometimes part of me wishes I'd died all those years ago. That mum never found out about my eating disorder and that I'd managed to fully be successful in ruining myself. Being here, living this life is a burden. Everyone dislikes me because I'm not mum. They all want mum back, not me. And it's tough because I can't give them her. They all expect me to be her, and they all expect Klein and I to rule like you and mum. It's just getting too much. I need to go to the council and formally announce my retirement," I ranted as tears fell down my face.

"Abi, you're doing no such thing. What you need to allow me to do is go to the council and tell them about your past anorexia and your thoughts to go back down that road. Darling, no one's expecting you to be your mum. Your mum is a tough woman to follow but you're going to manage. Klein, Lucas, your gran and I will be there to guide you along. We're already going through with plans to have Lucas, Shelby and the twins moved here permanently. The council are listening to our arguments right now. Abi, you're tough and you're strong. What's happening right now is that you're struggling due to it being near your mother's death day, and believe me, we're all struggling here. Unfortunately, you're taking it worse than anyone. However, darling, I think it's time to let the council know," My dad soothed, pulling me into a tight hug.

"If it comes out, everyone's going to lose their jobs and mum will be branded as a liar, instead of the hero everyone knows her as," I sobbed.

"Abi, we need to let them know. It's the right thing, especially after 10 years. Trust us on this, we'll keep you safe, and the workers safe that helped protect this secret. We'll fight with everything in us to keep you here and alive. You're not in the right place right now, and I think everyone can see that. I hear whispers on the street about how sickly you're looking and it has me worried, which is why I went to the council and begged them to let me back in this palace permanently. If we're allowed, Shelby and the kids will be living in the house out here. Not remotely in the palace, but near enough. Everyone's worried about you, dad and I worse than others, but that's because we saw first-hand the effects it has in destroying people. We're scared, Abi. We don't want you to go back down that road again. It hurt the first time; I don't want to experience it a second time. Mum wasn't exactly the most plausible ruler of Milowa. She done more things in her life to go against the rules, her reputation won't be tarnished. If anything, she'll live up to her reputation," Lucas spoke.

"How exactly would you tell them?" I mumbled against my dad's chest.

"We just go in and tell them the truth. They need to hear it loud and clear. No holding back. You might need to be with us and back up the story, about everything. Abi, you're going to be ok. We're here for you. If it takes me reading to you all night to keep you healthy, I'll do it. Just like we did when we were younger," Lucas confirmed.

"What happens if they don't believe us?" I questioned.

"We bring your medical file with us. Because the council aren't really family or anything like that, they can't access the files. Even though law permits them to see them, the patient confidentiality is there, stopping them. Abigail, we're going to be able to do this. Let Lucas and I do the talking, you only need to speak when required," My dad cooed softly.

"I'm scared," I admitted as I untangled myself from my dad.

"And you have every reason to be. We're telling the council of your biggest secret, which could hurt everything but it's something we need to do. You're ready to let them know. It might be ten years too late, but you're ready to do this, Abi. We'll be there supporting you through everything that the council throw at you. We're not leaving you, and neither will Klein. He loves you, that much is clearly evident. Especially when he kept your secret hidden from dad when he questioned him before dad came out here. We're all here, not going anywhere. We love you, Abi. You're too important to every one of us."

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