The banishment

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(After the 4th great ninja war)

Naruto kakashi called, whatsup sensei new mission allready, acually the council whants to talk to you in privite so i guess you should hurry up where's granny tsunade is she alright naruto ask, yes she will be with the council shortly kakashi told him

Kurama(naruto something is wrong something doesn't feel right)

Naruto(what do you mean fuzzball)

Kurama(the one you call kakashi is lying to you)

Naruto(WHAT !)

Kurama(sorry to say this naruto but they planing something they are not to be trusted your so called friends too)

Naruto(w-w-what are you saying kurama)

Kurama(what i'm trying to say is now that we are weak to handle our selfs they are seeing an opertunity to get rid of us)

Naruto(thats crazy talk you can't be....)

Hey watch out demon a random villiger told him. Demon wha..he didn't even get to finish his sentence as he watches the death glare he is receving from the villagers.

I was trying to say I'm sorry... for bumping into you but.

Because you saved us that doesn't mean we will forget what you did to us demon brat.

You know what you are wasting my time right now i have to be somewhere els so bye. After a few minutes of walking he saw sakura, hey sakura-chan he called out but suddenly was stop by a slap in his face, hey what's that for sakura.

I wish i didn't heal you i should have healed sasuke instead sakura told him, but sakura he tried to ram a chidori into you not only that he used a genjutsu on you and this is the thanks i get for saving your dumb weakass for trash you know what your not worth it i'm done with you and team 7 we are no friends don't call me naruto ever again.

Baka ! sakura yell at him she was very very pissed what naruto told her then she went for a punch chaaaaa but then naruto saw an opening trough her punch and slaped her right in her face.

I may lost an arm but i can still kick ass ya know and with that he vanished.

When he saw shikamaru he stoped and decided that he will ignore him since the conversasion of him and sakura didn't go well, hey naruto what's up shikamaru ask him, can i trust him why should i trust him thats all naruto could say in his mind, hey what's up shikamaru do you need something, yea uhm do you have some spare time to go grab a bite, i can't i have to go to the council naruto told him, it's cool maybe later shikamaru told him, yea maybe later bye naruto told him.

(At the council room)

You realy think this is a good idea tsunade ask at the council members, yes it is lady hokage one of them spoke, ok then my answer is no, why no hokage-sama one of the members ask this is outrageous we can get rid of him right now while he still is weak, no i'm still not gonna change my mind, then you leave us no choice to vote you off as hokage and let a worthy succesor take your place and finnaly tsunade gave in.

Ok but let me choose the next nin as hokage after this.

(Else where)

Hachu (snifs) someone is talking ill about me kakashi said.

Naruto is walking down the streats of konoha to the hokage tower, hey big brother naruto, naruto heard, that must be konohamaru he said and turns around, hey naruto is it true you attacked sakura, huh say it again naruto told him, did you attack sakura, no she attack me after i told her the hard truht about sasuke, i knew it she was lying all this time he konohamaru said, wait you believe me just like that naruto said, yea i mean you are my idol and my sensei you tought me how to do a rasengan sexyjutsu and shadow clone you are my hero big bro.

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