Mother kushina and kimimaro

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I've been walking for how long and I still haven't reach the garden said naruto, after walking what seems to be a hour for him is still walking and walking until he saw something in the distance a flower garden with different kinds of trees with fruits it was so beautiful in his eyes, man the place looks beautiful from afar I wonder how it looks like in the distance naruto said and ran.

After arriving in the garden he instantly search for his mother but no avail she is nowhere to be found,  man how am I suppose to find a woman with a tomato looking hair red as blood naruto began to say but couldn't finish after hearing a sound coming right at him, chaaaaa...huh but isn't that he couldn't finish his sentence as he was send flying to a tree, you dare call me a tomato again and I will naruto? A red haired woman said, uhuh that's me and did you really had to send me flying to a tree mom naruto said, oh my baby boy come here they didn't hurt you did they, no dad and the gramps are training me, not them idiot I'm talking about those back stabbers slimy snakes son of a...,ok mom I get it your scarying me right now can you please power down, power what down son kushina asked, your hair is up and your whole hair and body is steaming out red chakra like your ready to kill, that's because I am kid, well you can't look mom I'm here because naruto again didn't get to finish his words as someone interups them mother kushina I have found the white flower that you have asked for a white haired young man said, naruto I would like you to meet kimimaro kaguya, kimimaro meet naruto my son, it's nice to meet you naruto-san, it's nice to meet you although I know about you but never met you naruto said, so why are you calling my mother mother kushina, it is because she looks just like my mother and is nice just like her because she reminds me of my mother kimimaro said, then we're brothers in all but blood naruto said, brother I like the sound of that kimimaro said.

Ok so mom the reason why I'm here is because I want to learn the secret arts of the uzumaki kenjutsu and fuinjutsu oh what joy I always wanted to pass down the secrets of our clan naruto kushina said whith a smile, so will you do it mom naruto asked, of course  what are parents for.

(Outside of mindscape)

Damn how the heck are we supposed to stop the bleeding tobi and obito more bandages madara said, how did he get hurt so bad and how did he got hurt hashirama said, I think I know minato said and lifts the head to the side and what they saw was a print of a fist on the side of his head it's kushina he said, here you go sensei bandages nope minato said but he's your son obito said, I'm kinda scared right now to hurt him by accident so, lord first nah I might get choked again you do it hashirama said, I don't know anything about medic obito said, tobi you do it, I'm out I to don't know nothing about the medic stuff he said, then everybody started to look at madara, fuck is all he could say.

(Mindscape of naruto)

And that's how it happened naruto said, so they saw an opportunity to banish you when you was in your weakened state and said that the uchiha kid save the world and you barely helped those badtards of a council tell me who carried or gived the order kushina said, my sensei now hokage and granny tsunade the fifth kage, so mother is low as you could go kushina said, so mom when do we start training, well did you see by any chance a scroll that said don't open, yea yea I did naruto said why, well there's a sword like katana inside of the storage scroll it's a very powerful weapon that said that it rivals the power of the seven swordsmen of the mist the handle is made out of the finest dragon leather there is and it's made out of the strongest steel that you can think of and is fused with the blood ruby, blood ruby naruto questioned, shh let me finish kushina said, the blood ruby is made of dragons and snakes blood it said that the sword has the power to seal almost anything and anyone except the master or the owner so luckily for you only a uzumaki can wield the sword kushina said finishing explaining.

The sword is powerful is all that naruto could say with his mouth wide open, if you have the sword then all you need is my knowledge of kenjutsu and fuinjutsu so come to mommy, ok mom, just put your head on my lap and relax let your mind and body wander off and with that naruto fell asleep.

(Outside of the mindscape)

(Thud) all eyes were on naruto as they saw him out of meditation position on the ground asleep, tobi obito said, got it put naruto on the bed nice and comfortable tobi replied, nailed it madara said sarcastically, what do you think that happened, well in limbo training he must relax and let his body wander off madara said, so basically he is sleeping hashirama said, no shit madara said.

(Inside of the mindscape)

Mother kushina may I kimimaro said, it could be dangerous Kimi kushina said, I know but he'll wake up Outside of his mind, do it kushina said and kissed naruto on the forehead and said in his ear mommy will always love you no matter what and I will always be with you when you need me maybe your dad I don't know.

(Outside the mindscape)
Tobi came out panting of the room, tobi what the fuck you don't have organs nor a brain so why are you pretending to panting, it's naruto, what the foursome said in unison, uhm well naruto is well how should I put this uhm naruto is missing or he's gone tobi said, all of them shoved tobi to the side as they ran to the room, naruto where are you minato said, hey kid where the hell did you ran of to madara said, oh grandson where ever might you be hashirama said.

Then out of nowhere a spikey bone looking dagger came flying from the shadows penetrates madara's head and from the ground came more spikey bones but all of them dogged them and landed on the walls, where the heck is the bones coming from madara said while pulling the bone stuck in his forehead out, the shadows minato said while using his sharigan.

Then out of the shadows came naruto but what they saw they didn't expect to see, what the fu....obito said while hashirama shushed him, why lord first, look he's still sleeping he said, but look at his arms bones are sticking out of them like blades.

(A/N think of the blades of baraka from mortal kombat)

And his back the bones are sticking out like spikes obito said, we know we can see it minato said, how are we supposed to put him under,(thud) naruto fell, like that madara said while picking up the unconscious boy you did great kid very great but now sleep.

Slowly the bones reattrakting back into his back and arms.

(Inside of the mindscape)

I told you it would be dangerous kid kushina said luckily for them they are already dead, that was battle instinct that I used to had as a kid but it will be over soon kimimaro said he just have to go with the flow just like a needle through water, who thought you that kid kushina asked, my mother did, she must be a lovely person, yes she is he said.

I hope brother can find peace in life and not do something recklessly, knowing my baby boy he he is reckless like his father and strong like me, you never helped him did you, no I didn't I just gived him all the knowledge of the uzumaki's and my chakra and put him to sleep for it to work she said, then it's a good thing I gave him my chakra I hope to see my clan be restored and be in peace with each other because my clan was always in war with other clans kimimaro said.

And I too want to see my clan be stored along with my husband's clan, the namikaze clan kimimaro asked, no his true clan the uchiha clan.

(Outside the mindscape)

Can't he stop snoring it's been hours now obito said, yea I wonder who he gets it from hashirama asked while looking at minato and madara and both of them respond with the famous uchiha Hn.

Will he be ready when he wakes up tobi asked yes obito said and madara, and your purpose in life is right now to serve my grandson and his children  and their children and so on is that clear tobi madara said, sir yes sir I will sir tobi said while saluting, good now tomorrow when he awakes we will be gone so everyone prepare for departure madara said, hai all of them said and got ready for departure.

End chapter 7

Holy shit that's a long chapter wow right now this will be it for now next time I will post double chapters I promise and if I see more votes for this story I will post 4 chapters in a day yes a day and I'm not joking I know what I write and I'm a very very fast at writing and if the views hit 500 I will post 10 chapters once again not joking, I simply do this for a friend who's a youtuber and likes anime fanfiction  that is all thank you.

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