The adventure begins

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Before we go tobi I need to change something about you naruto said, where are you keeping chakra steel he asked, the storage room in the infirmary there are chest and storage scrolls loaded with them tobi said, good I'm gonna need a lot naruto said and did a hand sign, wood style: tree growth formation then 1 tree formed inside of the cave, wow you already did your first wood release jutsu I'm proud of you naruto senpai tobi said, hold up didn't I tell you to go get me some chakra steel naruto said.

Here you go 1 chest and 5 scrolls for you boss, thank you tobi naruto said, can I ask you something senpai, what is it tobi, what are you planning to do with the wood and chakra steel, good question tobi, first I'm gonna make a puppet and some orbs and fuse them with chakra steel naruto said, orbs why orbs, you'll see

(5 hours later)

That took a little longer then expected now then naruto said as he releases chakra strings out of his finger tips into the tiny puppet that resembles a small child that looks like a younger version of him, the puppet opens his crystal blue eyes and closes it back, damn I needed the seeds to plant real chakra trees and give it some of my chakra to let it grow naruto said, crap the seeds are burried somewhere near the sand village.

Something wrong senpai, nothing wrong tobi I just needed chakra seeds to grow special trees naruto said, if you want I can send my brothers and sisters to fetch them for you, you will naruto asked, yes tobi said we live to serve our creator, ok then in the meantime tobi you and I can get ready for a adventure.

Just lay still I just want to fuse some chakra steel on to you tobi, I am but my body won't tobi said, fine then I'll do this the hard way naruto did some hand signs and stops on the serpent sign wood style: paralysis roots naruto said then 4 tree roots came from the ground and grabs his legs and arms but tobi tried to go through them but couldn't, why can't I go through them tobi said, that's because paralysis roots paralyze chakra and the body at the same time naruto said and that is one of my jutsu I made naruto said.

While tobi layed on the ground paralyzed naruto put some chakra steel on him and beside him then focused on his hand signs, you know what you are doing right tobi said, I know just shut up naruto said with closed eyes and his hands started to move, ox-monkey-bird-tiger he did the hand signs and the chakra steel started to melt into a black slime and started to move into tobi, it burns senpai tobi said I can feel it, good now shut up naruto said while holding a rat hand sign with his eyes closed, is it done senpai tobi asked.

There now I'm done naruto said, what was that for tobi asked, I have modified your body to do some things,  like tobi asked, then naruto threw at a high speed a kunai at tobi but only a sound could be heard (plink) the kunai bounced of of tobi and got broke, you made my body kunai proof tobi asked, fire style: great fire ball jutsu naruto said and send a fire ball attack at tobi but was unfazed by it, water style: water blade jutsu naruto said while using his katana for a more effective hit to cut but tobi was still unfazed, earth style: rock bullets jutsu and many tiny rocks came out of naruto's mouth to hit tobi but still nothing, lightning style: thunder clap arrow naruto said while throwing a kunai for a more effective hit but still nothing.

Good progress your body is harder than chakra steel but your still lighter than usual now then naruto said while cracking his knuckles tobi brace your self naruto said, then at a high speed naruto disappeared and was in front of tobi, chaaaaaa naruto said while throwing a punch at tobi, when his hand came into contact with his body a crack could be heard but not from tobi but from naruto, huh naruto said while looking at his hand, he saw his fingers broke but was not fazed by it he didn't feel pain or he cannot feel pain at all, his hand started to sissing and started to steaming and it healed in seconds.

The power of saiken's healing ability is no joke naruto said, wait a minute didn't she said I can do acid spit naruto said while looking at tobi, naruto-sama what are you thinking tobi said, Hey saiken how do I do acid spit naruto asked in his head, it's simple all you got to do is fill your belly up just like water and go for a spit or a simple matter think of water is acid and fill your belly up she said in response, naruto did as he was told, water is acid water is acid naruto began to say and started to fill his stomach up but at first he didn't feel nothing but then he feel like he wanted to throw up but it kinda feel warm in his stomach and looked at tobi and took a deep breath and with full force he spit acidic water like slime at tobi it came in contact with him and one of his arms started to melt off.

Can you feel that tobi naruto asked in concerned, no not exactly I don't feel pain tobi said, sorry about that naruto said picking his arm up and attached it back like it was clay, so acid is my lethal weapon in my arsenal naruto said.

Tobi let's get ready for departure naruto said while wearing the cloak that obito gave him and he stared to wrap bandages around his arms and for his face like a face mask now he looks like zabuza he said and looked at the mirror he saw his hair the bangs on each side of his head the tips started already becoming red, son-goku told me that it was gonna happen but I didn't believe it naruto said while putting the white mask on woah I kinda look like him wearing this.

A/N this is what he looks like wearing the cloak and the mask

He then wrapped the gumbai in bandages and put it on his back I'm done here tobi what about you naruto  said while turning around, I'm done here too I just need to find the right clothing tobi said while wearing the same cloak but a black version ...

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He then wrapped the gumbai in bandages and put it on his back I'm done here tobi what about you naruto  said while turning around, I'm done here too I just need to find the right clothing tobi said while wearing the same cloak but a black version of it with a hoodie and on his back was a big scroll that had stored all of naruto's scrolls in it.

I hope my message reach him because I want to be his student and learn the ways of the snakes naruto thought, tobi our first stop will be the sound village and then help some villages along the way if they need it and then the land of demons naruto said.

The sound tobi asked questioned why, naruto smirked under his mask, I'm about to learn snake sage mode tobi naruto said, one last question senpai, what's wrong tobi, your sharigan what are its abilities, my sharigan can let me use the powers of all the last sharigan wielders and use the powers for my own and for my own abilities from my sharigan is well I can burn ones soul if the person looks directly into my eyes or choos to petrified them.

And how do you know all about this naruto-senpai tobi asked, i have the knowledge of indra and ashura and my IQ went up I am now 350 IQ, that means your the smartest ninja alive tobi said, no I am not dont forget my future children and grandchildren they to have a chance to become smart as me.

Ok enough talk our adventure is about to begin you know taijutsu right, yes and I can make weapons from my body after all I am made from wooden clay tobi said, just in case naruto said and reach for his elbow where a bone was poking out and pulls it, here use this long sword naruto said, thanks now let's go already tobi said eagerly exiting, yea let's naruto said while feeling something strange happening to his bone inside his body he shook it off and said strange.

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