Let the fun begin part 1

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Come on people your so close to menma kamen yells behind the konoha nins throwing shurikens at them, damn this kid what the hell is wrong with him kiba said.

how long do we have till the sun goes down kakashi asked, I don't know but by the looks of it we have about 5 or 6 hours left give or take tsunade said, guys I think we lost him kiba said as he and akamaru sniffed around, maybe he gave up sakura said, or maybe he's planning to take us out one by one it is what I would have done if I was in his place sai said, that's a big maybe tsunade said.

(With kamen)

Good they are in place kamen said while holding a kunai at a string I just need to wait for one of them to get closer he said while observing them from the shadows at the tree tops.

(With the others)

I don't know about you guys but I need to rest kiba said while walking to a nearby pond, take 30 and gather your strengths kakashi said, they think that they were save well they were wrong were they are right now is my little place what I like to call danger zone kamen said smirking while cutting the string, just one trap to set off the others he said.

(With naruto/menma)


(Play the music)

Demon get out you have killed our family and comrades

Demon your not welcome here if you come here one more time we'll kill you

Please I didn't kill anyone I promise a little naruto said

Come on team all you guys have to do is get these bells but only two of you will pass and one will get back to the academy kakashi said

I am naruto uzumaki and someday I am gonna become hokage believe it ! A 12 year old naruto yelled

(End Flashback)

Naruto kurama said snapping naruto out of his flashback, what's wrong fuzz ball, you were out of it just a few moments ago I'm just worried, I'm fine kurama just having a few flashbacks that's all naruto said while looking through the eyes of the crow, oh it's beginning.

(With the others)

Out of nowhere a few arrows shot out of the tree tops to the others making then running, what the heck kiba yelled while dodging arrows, the whole crew started running into the woods but as soon as they jumped up to leap from the trees kunais shot from every direction then they decided to take the ground but the kunais are still coming at them, guys we have no choice we have to do something sakura said while dodging kunais, I got this Lee said and tried his powerful leaf hurricane kick to use the wind pressure to blow them away but it didn't work as well as he thought.

Come on you guys are losing time kamen said from the shadows, impossible you can't be here I sniffed the place even akamaru did we could have sensed you kiba said, and yet here I am kamen said while the kunais stopped coming at them.

Now is the chance on the ground now kakashi said while jumping down, wrong move kamen said, as soon as kakashi landed the ground exploded but kakashi had some fast reaction time and reflex to dodge the hidden paper bombs, you Boobytrap the ground too sai asked, maybe maybe not kamen said, guys run I got this Lee said while taking his fighting stance.

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