Ally and foe

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Random ninja: you can't run for ever demon

Naruto: i knew it, first they betray me and banished me and thats not enough now they want to kill me, How ironic isn't it kurama.

Kurama: just shut up and keep running my chakra can't keep your chakra up soon you'll faint and maybe die by his hands.

Random ninja: stand still brat and just die FIRE STYLE FIRE BALL JUTSU !

The ninja yelld naruto wasn't fast enough to dodge this one it landed a hit but naruto kept running trough the trees. then it hit him he just had an idea.

(Naruto's pov)
Perfect i just had an idea i'll have to use my last smoke bomb and a kuinai to activate it.

Kurama: yea and how are gonna sepose to do that hmm mr one arm.

Naruto had a tick mark on his head, even tough he had one arm to work with the fox doesn't know what he's capble of, naruto trew the smoke bomb up and took a kunai out of his pouch with one hand, kurama was suprise to see naruto did that with such a speed.

Random ninja: what the, did you realy think this will distract me.

Naruto: no it's for you droping your guard RASENGAN.

Naruto landed a rasengan on the ninja breaking the tree with just the shock wave.

Naruto: good a clean hit not enough to kill but enough to break a few ribs.

And so naruto kept running but suddenly 6 shuriken's hit him in his back making losing balance on the trees, he turns around and saw ABNU jounins coming.

Naruto: damn it 1v5 i can't win this and i'm almost out of chakra i can at least take on one of them but thats a high risk, Shadow clone jutsu.

His shadow clone apeard but disepeard, naruto had ran out of chakra he's now hopless and his sight became blurry he was about to faint and fall then someone cought him before he fell to the ground the only thing he saw a familiar mask the same white mask obito wore.

Naruto: no it can't be him he died

Thats what came into his toughts before he faints.

Stranger ninja: so who wants to go first.

One of the ABNU came forward and says.

This doesn't concern you stranger leave now or.

Stranger ninja: or what you'll kill me i don't think so and it's imposible to kill someone thats already dead

ABNU captain: what do you mean stranger.

The stranger removed his mask and says, I'M OBITO UCHIHA and for this all of you will pay for what you have done to this boy who put me out of my endless suffering, The ABNU captain was now scared shitless, he new what the uchiha could do and says.

ABNU captain: attack all of you all at once

ABNU squad: fire style, lightning style, wind style, earth style.

Then out of nowhere a branch apeard impaling two of the ABNU then the branch expended killing them in the process


ABNU captain: where... came out of his mouht.

THAT WOULD BE ME came a dieper voice. who they saw was a man feard by all nins in the village hell even the whole leaf feard him, this man was madara uchiha.


But no one could move it's because of the fear that strikes them and by roots that surounding them.

ABNU captain: what where did the roods come from.

That would be me came in another voice.

The three ABNU turns around with wide eyes looking at the ninja behind them.

The ABNU: l-l-l lord first

Hashirama: no do not lord first me i'm very disepointed in the leaf and it's people maybe i should have let madara destroy the leaf village instead if i knew what's gonna happend to my grandson.

The ABNU where spechless no mere words could come from there mouths. They know that they where screwed.

ABNU captain: forgive us lord first have mercy on us he begged on his knees.

Hashirama: mercy mercy where was your mercy when you people tortured the poor boy when he was just 5 years old, and where was your mercy when he was banished and betrayed by his comrades, and where was your mercy when you tried to kill a one armed teen, all of you must die here and now.

Madara: damn hashirama since when did you came to the dark side

Obito: even if i'm still pissed at madara for using me in the war i have to agree with him lord first.

Hashirama: since i found out the truht about him.

Madara: me too

Hashirama: what do you mean madara?

Madara: less talk more action i shall explain this later right now we came for one thing and one thing only to protect and to kill.

Hashirama: very well then

Suddenly a blue skeleton like armor came around madara the ultimate offence deffence power of the uchiha holding naruto care fully in his arms. Hashirama used his wood style to pin them to the tree.

Hashirama: obito can you do the rest from here while atend naruto's wounds.

Of cours lord first obito said as he turns around looking at the ABNU all he can see was fear on there faces as he removed his mask and hoodie this is where you all die here with his sharigan activated. He strech his arms pointing to them then three sticks shot out of his hands impailing them in then he said wood release giant wood thorns jutsu big thorns came from the stick that impail them killing them in the process.

Where to now madara hashirama ask, why are you asking me that hashirama, because your the only one who has a secret base, and how the hell did you know that, how the oh my sage how do i know that its because you couldn't hide that long after surving the fight against me in a opend world.

I know a place madara said but first he said while looking at naruto unconscious body, and said obito can you, of course madara-sama he said activating his mangekou sharigan and so they vanish using the dimension teleportation of obito.

A/N this is a crapy chapter at least i tried my best and the wood release giant wood thorns was a made up jutsu

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