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Disclaimer: I do not own HTTYD or Stargate SG-1. I do not own either of their lores or technology. I own nothing but the plot edits, my OC's, my original dragon species, my original technology, and my over active imagination.

Notes: This is most dominantly a HTTYD story. No. This is not a full blown crossover. Not yet anyway, and not for a long time. The two fandoms simply share the same earth. The HTTYD segment takes place in the past while the Stargate segment is in the future. Historical and technological lores from both series, as a result, are combined.

Black wings whistled over icy waters. Freezing winds billowed in her face, the sheer speed she was traveling forced her to squint her turquoise eyes. She had a single destination in mind.


She had to check on something important to her, or rather, someone.

The Shadow Stalker had heard of the downfall of the Blood Gorger. The monster that plagued the archipelago for the last three hundred years by catching unaware dragons in her mind trap, a hypnotic call that only the strong willed and stouthearted could resist.

Dragons had attempted a rebellion against the queen a little over a hundred years ago now, resulting the massacre of thousands of dragons, and the near elimination of the Gale Shrieker species.

Her kind thought it impossible to defeat the tyrant. Not even the other alphas would help, believing it would create a power vacuum which could then lead to civil war.

Recently though, that had changed. Tales spread throughout dragonkind of both a human boy and Shadow Stalker teaming up to defeat the tyrant. Fighting by their side was a band of dragons they had recruited. A Spine Scale, a Fire Tongue, a Cackle Death, and a Stone Swallower. All with riders of their own fought alongside the dark duo to accomplish what no dragon or human had done in a few millenniums. Allying with each other to reach an end goal and end the monsters reign of terror.

The battle wasn't without it's costs. Rumors had spread of the Shadow Stalker missing a tail fin. A very important appendage to her kin, and of it's riders missing foot, forever hindering the child's maneuverability.

Pondering the riders rumored appearance. She winced, a shutter vibrated throughout her streamlined body, cutting to her very bones. Shaking her head, she hoped it was just rumors. The hero couldn't be him, not him.

An island came into view. She was approaching her destination, rapidly. The Shadow Stalker swiftly flapped her broad wings. Gaining altitude as to stay out of sight, she climbed further into the inky black abyss that was the sky, hoping to employ her species natural camouflage.

Thousands of stars glimmered overhead, no clouds to taint the view. Her eyes narrowed. It was a moonless night, just the way she liked it.

The Stalker soared over the quiet village. Listening for any humans, sheep, or any other creature that could give her position away.

Finding nothing other than occasion dragon chitters, she stilled her wings to a hover. Tonight, she thought. Nerves causing wispy grey tendrils of smoke to billow softly from her nostrils. She would find out tonight.

Swooping lower over the village into a gentle glide. Her eyes trailed the lonely island that had briefly been her home so many years ago. Few fires dotted the huts beneath her, while crisp waves lapped the shoreline. On the edge of the small community, mountainous pine trees stood tall, their large bodies serving as lonely sentinels towering over the village. Protecting their home from any who dared invade from the thick forests.

Out of all the places she had inhabited, this island and it's people was by far her favorite. The Vikings sheer bluntness and stubbornness had alway intrigued her, these even more so than others. Having been here many times before, she quickly located her target. The chiefs hut.

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