Chapter 4 - Dragon Eye Of The Beholder: Part 4

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Authors Notes: not have the words to describe how much trouble this chapter has brought me. Lots...and lots...of rewrites. Anyways, another long one. (and a good 500 words is the authors notes) but hopefully they'll get a little shorter from here on out.

This chapter will also have an accompanying one-shot in a new series today, so look out for that. Healer's Chaos - The Stories We Tell

Disclaimer: I own nothing but the edited plot, my OC's, and my original dragon species.

I also do not own this episode. Only my original scenes. If I owned RTTE, then dragons such as Shockjaw and Woolly Howl would get more attention.

Immediately after returning. Hiccup, Astrid, and Langer had flown by dragons to Gothi's, while the rest of the riders climbed up the mountainous stairs to her hut on foot. There simply wasn't enough room for all the dragons on the deck, so only Toothless, Stormfly, and Bloodburst came.

Landing with a thump. Langer remained on Bloodburst's back while Hiccup slid off Toothless's. "Gothi! Fulla! Anyone!"

Astrid was slower to dismount Stormfly, but immediately ran to Hiccup's side. Intending on forcing one of the two main healers on the island to come out and help. Even if it meant with an axe.

The door opened to a short, broad young teen with black hair and green eyes, her hair pulled into a long braid down her back. Carrying a large crate of herbs and jars with one hand. "Yes. What did you- oh Thor! Let me through!"

She dropped the crate on Hiccup's real foot and shoved past him, Hiccup hissed, reaching down to pick the heavy crate off his boot, then cradle his foot. Just what was in that crate? Bricks? Thor, she was strong. And now his foot hurt. Well, that was nice.

Astrid scowled at the girl. She appreciated her speed, but she had surely hadn't had to do that. "Hiccup, you okay?" Astrid grabbed his shoulder with concern, looking down at his foot, she frowned. "Are those bite marks on your boot?"

"Yes. An eel dragged me under, but Toothless saved me." Seeing her concerned eye, he continued. "It didn't pierce the skin, just the boot." He winced. "It does ache a little though."

Astrid nodded, about to speak when the black-haired teen interrupted her.

"What happened to him?!" Fulla snapped. Examining the arrow wound, her fingers danced across his wound much more expertly than Hiccup's had.

Langer rolled his eyes in pain. "Perfectly fine and completely capable of answering all your questions right here, you know."

Hiccup answered the snappy young woman for him. "Arrow wound. We sealed it with Monstrous Nightmare saliva."

"Dragon spit?" She questioned with a raised brow. "You used. Dragon spit?!"

Hiccup swallowed, well when you put it that way. "Pretty much, yes." He fiddled with his hands. Fulla was a huge believer in preventing any and all infections, so this was unlikely to go over with her well.

Gothi thankfully walked out on Fulla's near bout of insanity, her staff hit the ground to signify her presence. "Gothi!" Hiccup cried. "So glad you could make it!"

Gothi frowned, walking forwards to check on Langer's wound who hissed as she poked at it. She squinted as she examined it and raised a questioning brow in Hiccup's direction.

"Dragon spit, Gothi! They put dragon spit on it!" Fulla ranted, throwing her hands into the air. She whipped around to point at Hiccup accusingly. "Do you realize how unsanitary dra- ow!" She rubbed her head and scowled at Gothi. The old woman in question was pounding her staff in her hand scoldingly. "What. It is!" She cried.

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