Chapter 1 - Dragon Eye Of The Beholder: Part 1

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Disclaimer: I own nothing but the edited plot, my OC's, and my original dragon species.

I also do not own this episode. Only my original scenes. If I owned RTTE, I probably would have made Hiccup come across a Sand Wraith at some point.


Ocean waters beneath Hiccup spewed as he and Toothless flew close to the frothing waves below. Morning fog still hung heavily in the air, blocking their sight line. Stray salty droplets splattered across his face, whilst rushing winds combed through his hair. A grin plastered over his features.

Testing out a new tail was always a daunting process. He had to rely on all the tail rods and cables working properly. The gears or pulleys couldn't break or else they would fall right out of the sky. They really had gotten the tail fins down to a science by now, but he still felt safer testing them.

Thankfully Toothless seemed to share his sentiment. If anything, he enforced it. Making Hiccup do triple checks on all new flying equipment. Even resorting to inspecting it himself when he was still not satisfied. Not that Hiccup was sure he would find anything. But if it made Toothless happy, then he would let it be.

A few days ago, a crazed Deadly Nadder had practically rampaged throughout the village. Setting houses on fire and getting into a scuffle with a local Monstrous Nightmare which caused the damage factor to double. They had both tumbled throughout the village like Berserker's out for blood.

After winning the fight with the Nightmare. It especially seemed to hold a grudge against Hiccup and targeted him specifically. Which confused him to no end because he had never even met the dragon before.

It had taken all the riders to subdue it. And when he said all the riders. He meant all the riders. Even Gustav had to help!

By the time the fight was over. All the spare fins had been broken, smashed, or set alight. Even the main one. What can he say? The Nadder hated him. After it was captured, it wouldn't even let him go near it. Sending anything from bursts of white hot fire to simple snapping of jaws his way. Something Snotlout found absolutely hilarious.

The new tail seemed to be working so far. He clicked the pedal to go faster. Toothless let out a joyful roar as they exited the fog. Barreling up into the sky, he dived down through the sea stacks. Twisting and turning every direction to test maneuverability.

Smoothing out their flight. Hiccup patted Toothless reassuringly on the side. "Okay bud. Let's try the new move."

Diving over an incoming sea stack. The duo gained speed and swooped up, shooting higher into the bright sky. Wispy clouds met Hiccup's view as the world was tilted vertically. Slowly turning his world from blue to white.

Looking down, he checked on the tail. "Tail seems to be holding up. I think this ones good, bud."

Toothless gurgled beneath him. Hiccup glanced back skyward. Making sure they weren't going to hit a stray dragon or bird. Enjoying the feeling of freedom that the sky granted him and the rush of adrenaline that yet another tail worked. He couldn't help but yell in victory.

"Wha-hoo! Yah baby! That's it Toothless. Push it, you got it. Climb higher!"

A click was heard from his safety line by both of them. Two pairs of green eyes widened. It seemed he had missed something while obsessing over Toothless's tail.

"What the...oh, no. Not again!" Falling backwards off his dragons back was not how he planned to spend his day. "Uh, hey? Toothless!"

Toothless whipped around and dived after him. Not wanting his brother to become a sack of shattered bones.

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