Chapter 2 - Dragon Eye Of The Beholder: Part 2

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Disclaimer: I own nothing but the edited plot, my OC's, and my original dragon species.

I also do not own this episode. Only my original scenes. If I owned RTTE, Tuffnut would have a telepathic link to chicken


I'm joking. That would be weird. Even for me. Although an original chapter focusing on Tuffnut hitting his head and thinking that would be hilarious. Perhaps in the distant future.


Sparks flew as Hiccup pounded his hammer into the glowing metal, shaping it carefully into the clip he needed to fix his flight strap. The soft glow illuminating his bruised face. The mixed lighting of white hot metal and sunlight streaming in from the forge window cast the scarred side of his face in an assortment of colors. Purple most predominately.

The gash had completely sealed over in the last nine hours. It was covered in a reflective clear coating that he was sure was the dried Monstrous Nightmare saliva. The raised cut was prematurely fading to skin color around the edges and shrinking, already appearing to be in beginning stages of closing. Something which caught him by surprise for such a long and deep gash.

It really shouldn't have been healing this fast. At least not for another week or so, or even a month. The only explanation his wondering mind could grasp was that maybe it was an unknown property of Monstrous Nightmare saliva.

If that was true, then of coarse they wouldn't have known about it before. It's not like Nightmare's usually lick their riders open wounds. Thor knows Hookfang never did that. Hiccup mentally grumbled, why was he always the test subject for these kinds of things?

Gobber interrogated him earlier about his face when he caught him trying to sneak into the forge, Hiccup himself had wanted to avoid questions about it. For good reason too.

The entire situation was just embarrassing. It made him want to fall into one of those prank fall-in pits the twins dug and never come out. Just why had he even tried to approach that Nadder again? He had known it didn't exactly appreciate his presence.

Feeling the heat of both embarrassment and shame threatening to overtake him again, Hiccup eyes wandered the expanse of the forge with mild interest. His eyes were greeted with a pack of five Terrible Terrors, some green and a couple red ones, all perched on the rafter's above the entrance of the forge and eyeing him oddly.

He shifted uncomfortably, it was probably the pack that swarmed him the other day. Which was unusual in itself. Terrible Terror's were usually reserved, like cats, unless they had a Viking companion. In which case they usually were loyal to that person and that person only.

He warily turned his eyes away from his watchful sentinels to the sight of Toothless regarding him lazily from the corner. Ears twitching, and listening to Gobber hum merrily to himself his favorite, and one of his only, songs.

"Well, I've got my axe, and I've got my mace, and I've got my wife with that ugly face. I'm a Viking through and though!"

Gobber, while his mentor and dare he say, uncle figure. Had a terrible singing voice.

Hiccup rolled his eyes fondly, applying finishing touches with the hammer, tapping delicately on the still glowing safety clip. The clip was to replace the broken one that had snapped the previous day.

A high pitched screech echoed through the forge from Gobber's work area. Hiccup stiffened, his face scrunched up in deep pain. Dropping his hammer to cutch at his ears as they rang, it was as if the booming sound of lighting had struck right next to him. He vaguely heard his hammer land on his metal foot with a clang as his ears rung, but it was hard to tell in the midst of the wild shrieking of what he assumed to be Gobber's voice amplified.

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