Chapter 4: Finland

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With happy but slightly envious eyes, I watched my sister beam at her man. Dante Romano was currently giving her a look so hot that I knew he'd be dragging her away in under five minutes. The man beside me tugged on one of my strawberry blonde curls to pull my attention back to him. I was here on yet another Saturday night, and each weekend, Dominic spent more and more time talking with me.

"You ready to go home?" he whispered in my ear while still toying with my curl. "They're gonna be heading to Rome's in a few."

Dominic was offering to take me home? My heart started beating so hard I was sure he could feel it.

"Yes, I'm ready." Did he notice how breathy my voice was? Could someone as physically perfect as Dominic see past my imperfections?

Right then, one of the high-class ho bags came up to Dominic and whispered something in his ear. Directly in front of me, obviously not even thinking for a minute that a man like Dominic would be interested in a woman like me. And, in the interest of full disclosure, she wasn't really a ho-bag. While most MCs had a sleazy group of women to screw at the members' whim, the Dragon's Inferno didn't maintain a stable of girls. Instead, business women, store owners, lawyers -- you name it -- wanting to live dangerously came by on the weekends and hooked up with the bikers. Most came back; for others, one night was enough, but they were few and far between. The Dragons were hot, built and sexy and, from what I heard, knew how to orgasm a woman into oblivion.

And now this gorgeous blonde was making a move on Dominic right in front of me. I mean, we didn't have anything going on, but she didn't know that!

Then, strangely, Dominic turned to me and looked into my eyes. "Should I take you home or go upstairs with her?"

My heart sunk. I couldn't keep him from enjoying his night just to run me home.

"I'll call an Uber, no problem," I said cheerfully, even though I felt like pushing the blonde over on her too-tall heels.

He moved back from me just a bit, his eyes flashing with anger. "You have to be ready, gorgeous, and when you are, I'll be here. But until then, I'm not going to be waiting around on the off chance you decide to get smart." That was the first time I'd been on the receiving end of his infamous temper, and I did not like it.

Before I could snap back at that stinging barb, he called over a prospect, spoke briefly to him, then nodded to the blonde and walked upstairs with her. He never looked back at me, but she did. And she did it with a catty smile on her face.

The prospect, known only as Prospect because they didn't get names until they became members of the MC, drove me home in a huge black SUV, not saying much. My mind was busy imagining what was going on in Dominic's room at the clubhouse, so I didn't say much either. Instead, I pondered his words, wondering what I needed to be ready for.

"Dom said I had to walk you up and check out your place and let him know when you're locked in safely," the prospect told me.


The prospect looked at me like I was an idiot. "So he knows you're OK."

"And you're supposed to text him in the middle of to let him know?"

The prospect shrugged. "I don't question him. Just do what he says."

For some reason, and I couldn't tell you exactly why, that just pissed me off. Dominic wanted to know I was home safely, but he couldn't be bothered to make sure himself? What was wrong with me? I had to be locked inside my apartment at – I checked my watch – 10:24 on a Saturday night because he said so? I motioned for the prospect to precede me up the stairs as I texted my friends who had invited me out after I'd already promised Harper I'd go with her to the clubhouse tonight.

The Foster Girls #2: FinlandWhere stories live. Discover now