Chapter 17: Dominic (TW: violence against a child)

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Finland and I'd been back in the States for only two days when the asshole I'd been trying to find for months finally tripped an alert I had set up. Finland, Harper and Willow had been holed up together since her return, catching up on the months apart. Elizabeth was due back in the States in two months, and I knew the sisters were itching to get her back in the fold.

"Brother, you feel like a ride?" I asked Rome when he answered his phone.

"Be there in ten," he said, knowing not to say anything else just from the tone in my voice.

"I found him earlier today," I said when he walked into the condo. Rome had known something was up, so he'd dressed accordingly. We were both in all black, and didn't say much before we walked out to our bikes. He knew I'd been hunting this person for a while, but the asshole was off the grid and wandering through the darkest parts of society, so much so that he'd been hard to pin down. I'd chased down who knew how many dead end leads since I'd met Finland.

"Chain said it was OK to use the Rampage's wet room, so that's where I took him. We're on the hook for a favor, but I don't give a shit. This has been on my agenda for a while so I don't care if we owe Beard and his club fifty favors. Told Chain we wouldn't need the pigs this time, just the room. The asshole's been tied up there a few hours, so he should be good and scared."

Rome nodded and we took off.

An hour later, we walked into the Rampage MC's underground bunker where nothing good ever happened. We could tell immediately from the stench the asshole had peed himself, and I figured it wouldn't be the only time today what with the karma coming this man's way.

"So, any idea why you're here?" I asked. I'm sure he'd been running through the list of his latest sins, not thinking of one that was twenty-one years old.

"This about those drugs that messed up those school kids?" Rome and I looked at each other. 

"No. Go farther back in your mind."

He thought for a minute. "That bitch sayin I beat her up? I just popped her in the mouth a couple of times, that's it. You her brothers or something?"

Hmmm, maybe I shouldn't have been so hasty to turn down the pig offer.

"No, we're not her brothers. Let me see if I can refresh your mind. Twenty-one years ago, you were a foster kid with the Andersons. You remember them?"

He nodded. 

"You were about seventeen, I think. That sound about right, bro?"

Rome had no fucking clue what I was talking about, but he played along. "I think so," he said.

"You remember a little four-year-old girl in that foster family? Just a little thing, sweet and happy to be in a family."

He kind of shrugged, not remembering yet. Maybe not even able to, but I'd help his memory along.

"You'd just gotten in with the wrong crowd," I reminded him. "Started doing some drugs. Any of this sound familiar? Ringing any bells?"

Getting wary now, he shook his head slowly.

"He doesn't remember," I said to Rome.

My brother shook his head sadly. "Drugs'll do that to you, man. Just say no."

"One night, you got ahold of some bad shit that was laced with something that gave you hallucinations. Still nothing?"

Again, the asshole shook his head.

"And you walked into the Anderson's kitchen where your foster mom was making cookies with that four-year-old girl, tripping out of your mind."

I looked in his eyes and he paled. "And you saw snakes trying to get out of that tiny little girl's face."

The Foster Girls #2: FinlandWhere stories live. Discover now