Chapter 18: Dominic

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"Oh, both Romano boys," Camille cooed as Rome and I walked into the house, her smile huge, no inkling of the storm headed her way. Her smile immediately faded when she saw Finland and Harper behind us. The sisters had insisted on coming as silent spectators, but I think Finland mainly wanted to make sure Camille didn't pull any "sneaky shit," as she'd called it.

Ignoring the girls, she came toward me to give me a hug, which I stepped away from before she could even get close.

"I haven't seen you in four months, not one word from you, and I can't even hug you, Nic?" she sniped at me.

I just looked at her. "After what you pulled? That'd be a hard no."

Her eyes narrowed at me. "And what did I supposedly do?"

I just looked at her in disgust. "I'm not even playing this game. Did you get a job?"

A horrified look turned her features into a mask of disbelief. "You were serious? I haven't heard from you in months -- I didn't think you meant any of that."

"I was very serious," I assured her. "And that's unfortunate you didn't get a job because the bank of Dominic has dried up as of today, and you could have been banking all that money you were earning for the last four months."

"Well, you told me that you were selling the house, and I could have that money to live on for a while so I didn't really see the need for a job."

"Unfortunately, Camille, that offer is no longer on the table considering what you've done."

"What do you mean? You keep talking about what I've done and I've done nothing except support you in your grief for the last eight years with no thanks from you. You whored around with different women every night and never even considered how that might hurt me and then you ended up with this one," she pointed a finger at Finland, "who is nowhere near as good or as pretty as my sister or me."

I shook my head, clenching my fist, trying not to strangle her. "You're making this so much worse Camille. I warned you before about talking shit about Finland."

She opened her mouth to speak but I cut her off. "Finland means more to me than anything, and she is worth far, far more than you and your sister combined. She's beautiful, inside and out, something you know nothing about because you've let your ugliness overtake every aspect of your life. I'm done, Camille. You fucked with my brother and Harper for no reason other than the sheer pleasure of hurting people, and you fucked with Finland and me in a way I can't excuse or forgive. I let you get away with too much for far too long, but as I told you four months ago, that was over. Things don't end well for people who fuck with Finland, so I suggest you stop now."

"Do you like pigs, Camille?" Rome asked, seemingly out of the blue, and I almost laughed but stopped myself just in time.

She shot Rome a confused, angry glance. "What are you even talking about? I tried to save both of you from these trashy, no-name nobodies and you can't even see that these bitches don't belong with people like us."

"I'm telling you brother, I may be giving Chain a call if this bitch doesn't shut up," Rome murmured to me.

"Keep talking like that, Camille, because every word from your mouth just makes what I'm about to do even easier," I told her, swinging her attention back to me. 

"Because I'm a generous person, I'm going to have a couple of my boys accompany you to a new place to live. A friend of ours -- you've heard of Decker Masen, I'm sure -- he owes Rome a favor and he's letting us borrow his private jet to take you to your new home in Australia."

"You can't force me to move! I'm going to stay right here in town," she protested. "I don't want to live in Australia and you can't make me!"

"That's very unfortunate for you since Australia is going to be your new hometown. My guys will drop you off in Sydney and you'll be able to make a new life for yourself there."

"How much money are you giving me?"

"I'm allowing you to take a suitcase of your clothes and whatever money you've earned in the last four months."

"I already told you that I didn't get a job so I haven't made any money!"

"I can see how that would be a problem," I pretended to be chagrined. "Maybe you could call your ex-boyfriend, see if he'll float you a small loan."

With a jolt, Camille eyed me warily. 

"What was his name, Camille? If you give me his name, I'll give you two thousand dollars to get you started in Australia. All you have to do is tell me his name."

"I --"

"Five thousand dollars. Final offer."

"I can't," she admitted sullenly. "There was never any boyfriend."

"Then how did this non-existent boyfriend beat you up, Camille?"

"I paid someone to beat me up for you, Nic!" she finally snapped. "I did it for you! You were never around, you were always with this bitch and she stopped you from being mine! It was the only way I could think of to get you back here with me, where you belong!"

"I was never yours, Camille," I assured her. "Never. That thought never even crossed my mind."

"Well, you would have been --"

"Enough!" I roared, then forced myself to calm down as I handed her a business card. "Here's a number you should call when you arrive in Sydney. People will meet you and take you to a state-run psychiatric institution where you'll receive the help you clearly need."

"I'm not some psycho and I'm not going to some mental institution!" Her face was turning so red that I wouldn't be surprised if she was about to have a heart attack.

"Well, that's the best I can do for you. You're on your own once you arrive in Sydney, then."

"How the hell am I supposed to live if I don't have any money?"

I looked at this woman who had schemed and lied and deliberately hurt the people I loved. "You have a body and a mouth, Camille. I'm sure some men will pay for the use of both."

It took her a full minute to absorb my words before the implication hit her full force. "You want me to be a fucking prostitute? You can't do this to me!" she shrieked as I turned to go. "Nic! You can't be serious!"

I opened the door to let in the two MC brothers and the doctor who were accompanying her on the flight. The nice thing about Masen's jet was the privacy it provided. No one to ask uncomfortable questions about a sedated woman and everyone on board was under an ironclad NDA.

"You have five minutes to pack," I told Camille. "And then Doctor Nichols is going to make sure you're comfortable for the flight."

Rome walked up to Camille as we headed toward the door, fixing her with his icy look. "I'll be keeping eyes on you. Just remember, bitch...they have pigs in Australia, so I'd watch your step. I have a long memory and an even longer reach."

I nodded at the brothers and the doctor, and the four of us walked out to the accompaniment of Camille's shrieking.

"What is up with you and the pigs?" Harper asked Rome after we cleared the porch, hands on her hips.

"Just determining if she was interested in farming," he said, dropping a kiss on her nose. She huffed at him, knowing he wasn't going to give her more than that.

"What if she tries to come back?" Finland asked me. "She seems a bit...unstable."

"She can't," I assured her. "The minute she clears the airport in Sydney, I'm flagging her passport and putting her on a watch list with a series of outstanding warrants in her name for serious crimes committed in Australia. If she tries to leave the country, she'll be arrested. She'll never be back."

Finland just looked at me with eyes wide in shock. "Sometimes you can be scary, Dominic."

"Nobody fucks with you, Finland. I'm here to always make sure of that."

The Foster Girls #2: FinlandWhere stories live. Discover now