Chapter 14: Dominic

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After Finland hung up on me, it took everything in me not to throw my phone across the room. I didn't want to be without it for one second just in case Finland tried to call me back. I didn't get anything out that I needed to in that frustrating conversation, and I'd fucking hesitated when she'd asked if I'd ever love her as much as Lisette.

Fucking hesitated.

I'd been trying to find the words to let her know it was no contest; I already loved Finland and what I felt for her was the raging inferno of a man's feelings as opposed to the mild, teen-age boy feelings I'd had for Lisette. 

In the hours since I'd found the note Finland left for me at her place, I'd gotten busy tracking her down. In no time, I'd discovered Finland was with Elizabeth in London. But I also knew by the time I got on a plane and over to England, she'd be gone. I sat down in front of my computer and booked a ticket anyway, knowing when I did finally track her down, I'd have a better chance of getting to her if I was already over there instead of on the other side of an ocean. 

Both she and Elizabeth had withdrawn nine thousand dollars from their accounts which meant that Finnie was well-funded with cash for the foreseeable future.


I shoved my passport into my pocket and started packing clothes into a duffle bag, wanting to travel light so I could move easily. If what I suspected was true, my girl would be moving around to keep me from finding her. But Finland could only hide for so long; she might be good at running, but I was even better at finding, especially when my entire future was at stake.

I texted Rome to come give me a ride to the airport. We'd use that time to discuss MC business, and I'd reassure him that I wouldn't drop any of the balls we had in the air while I was overseas. I could hunt down Finland and do my job no matter where I was.

He was grim as he drove me, both of us knowing without saying anything that we'd managed to fuck up and lose our women. He, at least, knew where Harper was. It'd taken me two days to find her for him. Finland, of course, had told me nothing about Harper's whereabouts, and I could respect that. Rome had not found it so admirable and confronted Finland, demanding to know where Harper was.

"If you weren't such a stupid-ass, lying, cheating, adulterous asshole, I might tell you. But, since you are, fuck you, Dante Romano!"

For one brief moment after she practically spat in his face, I thought I was going to have to throw down with my brother because he took a step toward Finnie, fist clenched -- that's how frustrated, worried and out of his mind he was about Harper, and his instinct was to demolish whatever obstacle was standing between him and his woman. I stepped in front of Finland and slapped the back of my hand against his chest. That brief touch was enough to snap him back to the cold, calm man we all knew and loved. I had never seen Rome so close to the edge before, and I never would again.

"Dom, you let me know if you need anything and it's yours."

"I know, brother. I don't think this is going to be fast. It could take a while."

"Whatever time you need, take. I'll try to keep most of the business off your shoulders so you can focus on Finnie."

"I can do both," I reassured him. "I'll probably need the distraction."

"How'd Camille take the news you were leaving?"

"Haven't told her yet. She doesn't need to know."

Camille's feelings toward you are anything but sisterly. She loves you. She wants me out of the picture.

Something was nudging the back of my mind, but I hadn't sorted it out yet, my mind too full of Finland.

I'd never felt as sick and disgusted with myself as I had last night, listening to her cry for almost an hour straight. It gutted me, what I had done to this woman I claimed to care so much about.

The Foster Girls #2: FinlandWhere stories live. Discover now