Chapter 3: Dominic

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I know her secrets.

When I did my deep dive into Finland's past, I found out everything about her. The good. The bad. The horrifying. Spending habits, what she buys at the grocery store...right down to her bra size.

I know she writes dirty, dirty books under the pseudonym Cree Foster, and having read all of her books – do women need to read this dirty shit because their men aren't doing it for them? – I found that this sweet girl has a dirty mind surpassed only by a huge romantic streak in her. Yes, her books are extremely down and dirty, but there is also so much romance and tenderness in them that it's easy to see she's creating what she's always dreamed of having.

It's just as easy to see that she does not want me knowing what she writes about.

I also know that the scars on her face are the reason she doesn't like to be touched unexpectedly. That bit of information still leaves me shaking with fury, knowing I'm going to do something about it, but just not sure what or how yet. It made me notice how watchful she was around my MC brothers; not cringing, not looking scared, but alert, vigilant. When she's walking in with Harper, she immediately assesses who's around and if any of the brothers come too close, she's on high alert. From watching, you can also see that Harper is attuned to this and she keeps close to Finland, a hand at her back or a swift touch on her arm, calming her, reassuring her without words. Helping her steady herself. I already liked Harper, but my respect for her only grows.

I know all about her three "sisters," their individual stories as to how they ended up in foster care together. Harper had mentioned her sisters to Rome when they first started dating, something my background check on Harper hadn't picked up, so I'd done a deeper dive on the three other girls.

I'd spent hours reading all of Finland's school reports, therapist reports and case worker reports, and they all talked about her living in a dream world. Given her background, it's no fucking wonder.

They also labeled her as a runner, which is what landed her in a group home at the age of eight. She began running away when she was four and by the time she was eight, she'd run away twenty-two times and had been in seventeen foster homes.

Labeled as non-confrontational with a decided preference for avoiding any difficult or emotional situation by removing herself from it, she finally stopped running at eight when she found Elizabeth, followed soon after by Harper then Willow. 

There was no denying she fascinated me. This woman with the scarred face was unlike any woman I'd known before. My tastes ran to tall women with big tits. I didn't have a preference for blondes, red heads or brunettes, but they all had to be perfectly made up, perfectly put together. Stunning women who took your breath away.

This little lady was gorgeous, but in a completely natural way. It was breathtaking, and more so because she didn't even realize her allure. 

She and Harper sat together at a table, talking animatedly in a way she never did when there were others present. You could see the connection between the two women, the comfort and familiarity. I watched her lips form words, her slender neck revealed when she threw her head back and laughed at something Harper had said.

I wanted to make her laugh. I wanted to be the one who drew that musical sound out of her. I also damn sure wanted to know what other sounds I could pull from her.

Rome came up beside me. As usual, the twin connection was strong and Rome knew what I was thinking.

"Don't go there, brother, unless you're serious."

"Worried I'll mess up what you've started with Harper?" I snapped.

Shaking his head, Rome responded coolly. "No. Just the little that Harper's said, Fin's had it especially rough. She doesn't need to be another one of your fuck toys. You have plenty of those to choose from and you don't need to add her to the pile of discards."

Taking a long pull from my beer, I considered his words. It made me uncomfortable to think about what "especially rough" meant, even knowing her background.

"You ever ask Harper how Finland got those scars?"

"Nope. Figured it's none of my business. Whatever the story behind it is, it ain't a nice one. I'll give you one thing Harper has told me: Harper told me to never touch Fin and she didn't mean keep my dick in my pants."

I nodded, amazed that Harper hadn't revealed any of Finland's background to him. These girls were loyal to each other.

None of my knowledge about her made me want to back off at all. But I knew I should.

As if sensing they were being discussed, both women looked toward us, Harper smiling at Rome, and Finland, unsmiling, glancing with those wide, beautiful green eyes at me.

Rome saw her look, sensed my interest and murmured, "Don't do it, Dom."

A redhead in the opposite corner moved, drawing my attention as she made her way toward me. I'd had my eye on her for a while, waiting for her to make a move. Seems she was making it tonight. That was the kind of woman I needed – one who was looking for a hard fuck, no strings. That I could deliver. What those wide green eyes unknowingly asked for...that I couldn't deliver.

"I'm out, bro."

Rome shook his head at me, a smirk playing at his mouth, grateful I'd made my choice and it wasn't the girl who could potentially cause problems in his relationship if I fucked her over.

In full view of Finland, I walked toward the redhead and, after we exchanged a few short words, yet another nameless woman followed me to my room upstairs. When I walked her out two hours later, Finland was gone.

The next weekend, Finland again came with Harper to the clubhouse. Chatting happily, they settled themselves in a booth with Rome and, after a few minutes, I wandered by to say hello. "Hey, Harp. Hello, Gorgeous."

Harper smiled back at me, then returned her attention to Rome. I settled next to Finland.

"Please stop calling me that," she said softly.

My mouth tipped up at the corners. "Call you what? Gorgeous?"

She nodded.

"Why can't I call you that?"

"Don't be mean, Dominic. Just call me Finnie if you have to call me something."

Since she refused to look at me, I used two fingers to bump up her chin and even then she wouldn't look at me. "You tell me why I should stop and I'll consider it. But I need a reason."

With a flip of her chin, she jerked away from my hand. "Never mind."

"Tell me why."

She flashed a desperate look at Harper, who was too wrapped up in Rome to notice the SOS being sent her way. Finland pressed her lips together stubbornly.

Such an angry little thing, I thought, then put my mouth near the two jagged scars while I whispered to her. "You think these scars detract from you being beautiful? Is that it? Let me tell you, gorgeous, they do nothing to take away from your beauty. First time I saw you, you about made my heart stop. Your beauty shines from you in a way I've never seen before in any woman. You're the total package, with your beautiful face, your intelligence, your smoking hot body that has curves that make me want to throw you down on the nearest bed and fuck you until neither of us remembers our names – you are everything a man could want. So unless you can give me a reason, you'll remain gorgeous to me."

The Foster Girls #2: FinlandWhere stories live. Discover now