Chapter 5: Finland

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Pacing around my apartment, I tried to focus my thoughts as I contemplated how to respond to Dominic's simple text: See you tonight?

Once I'd made my decision three weeks ago to have a one night stand with Dominic, it was full-steam ahead despite Harper's protests and grumbling. Will and Bet were solidly on my side, with Elizabeth calmly and logically pointing out that me losing my virginity at 25 was way behind the national average of 17. Willow also added that since I'd already graduated from college and was a very successful romance author, even if I did get pregnant, I would be able to provide nicely for myself and my baby. Harp still huffed and puffed, but she was slowly resigning herself to the inevitable. 

She and I had plans to go to the clubhouse that Saturday, so I'd spent the week getting my hair cut and highlighted, indulging in a mani/pedi, and getting waxed. (I may or may not have shrieked every time the wax was applied, never mind when it was removed. Not that the wax being applied hurt, but I was anticipating what was coming. I also may or may not have been asked to never return to that salon.) I took Harper and Willow shopping for a sexy new dress and heels so I'd feel as confident as possible when propositioning that tower of muscled perfection on Saturday. We'd invited Bet, but she had plans to go to a hockey game that her new neighbor had invited her to. Apparently, this neighbor was a well-known player on the Tornadoes, which just meant one more thing for Harp to worry about.

When we walked into the clubhouse, my eyes immediately found Dominic across the room and his head lifted in such a way when his eyes locked on me that I was reminded of a wolf scenting its prey. I shot him a smile, a special one I'd been practicing all week so it didn't make my scars pull at the skin on my cheek as much. He didn't smile back, but his gaze burned me, even from this distance.

Harp and I found a booth, and both Dante and Dominic came right over to us. Dante asked Harp to go into his office for a minute, which I knew was code for something else entirely. I gave her the nod, assuring her I'd be fine, and she gave me one last, quick look of think about what you're doing. She was such a mom and letting go of the reins was tough for her.

When I turned my attention from Harp to Dominic, he was eyeing me with a look that told me all I'd have to do was take the first step and he'd take it from there.

"So, Dominic, I've been thinking about what you said last weekend. You know, when you told me whenever I was ready, you'd be here?"

"I do remember that."

"Well, you're clearly here." 

"I am."

There was a hint of amusement playing at his mouth as he watched me fumble my way through propositioning a man for the first time in my life, but there was something else in his eyes that I really liked. To my untrained eye, it looked almost like affection.

 "Yes, you are." I took a deep breath and looked down at the table. "And I'"

He leaned in closer and his fingers traced a path up my neck to my chin, which he gently tilted up so I'd look at him. "But are you ready, Finland?"

Words are so powerful. One single word, one small syllable can change your whole life, as I was to find. Was I ready?


I'd expected Dominic to take me to his room at the clubhouse, but he led me outside to his bike. He pulled off his leather jacket, tucked me into it, snapped a helmet onto my head, then threw a leg over the seat. Despite my dress being short, I refused to worry about it as I held his hand and hopped on behind him.

There's no thrill quite like holding onto the man who's about to become your lover as he thunders down the road, the wind whipping into your face. My arms tightened around him and I felt his hand squeeze mine.

The Foster Girls #2: FinlandWhere stories live. Discover now