Chapter 2 - Jason

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As the friends arrived at Camp Crystal Lake, they saw police tape. They walked over to an officer and asked, "What's going on." "There was eighteen murders here last night," said the officer." You guys can't be here leave now", the officer said. Then the friends went back into their car and drove away, but they were coming back later.
They went back to Camp Crystal Lake and the police were still there so they decided to sneak in. As a police officer was getting ready to leave he heard a noise and went to go investigate it. It was a cracking noise. It was coming from behind the trees. The officer grew worried, but it was just a squirrel. "Heww... it's just a squirrel," said the officer. As he turned around a machete sliced right through his chest sending him to the floor. The rest of the police officers heard him scream. When they got there he was dead and covered in blood. They became worried. Then they heard,"Ch ch ch ch ch... ah ah ah ah ah" There's only four officers there and they were all scared. A stranger walked towards them. He was tall, his clothes were all ripped, and he had a hockey mask. They thought he was a teenager trying to pull a prank on them." Alright kid that's enough," said an officer. Then the large man in the hockey mask put both his hands on the officer's head and he got a tight grip. As the officer was trying to escape the man twisted his neck. The other officers were scared as the three of them took their guns out the man grabbed two of the officers by the head and smashed both their heads on each other then he smashed their heads on a tree killing them. Only one officer was left. He was trying to shoot the stranger, but he was out of ammunition. So he dropped his gun on the floor and started to run. As the stranger followed him, the officer tripped and hurt his leg really bad. "Help!! Someone help me please!!!... Oh no, no, NOOOO!!!" Yelled the officer, as a pick axe hit him in the eye. Then the stranger walked away into the woods.

As the teenagers sneaked in they stayed in a cabin. Then they set up a campfire and started telling scary stories. Paul said," Hey have you guys ever heard of a myth about a man named Jason. He kills people. He's a psychopath killer. He died here in Camp Crystal Lake. As well as his mother. But people say he came back to life to get revenge on everyone that stayed here in Camp Crystal Lake." "That's scary," said Anna." Yeah, but it's all fake it's just a myth", replied Laurie."Okay let's go to sleep everyone we have to find a way to stop Freddy Krueger from killing innocent people".
Everyone was asleep. Mark was sleeping in the bed when he appeared in a dark room." Where am I?" He said. He was scared when he heard laughing." Ha ha ha ha ha". He saw Freddy." I know who you are and you don't scare me", said Mark." Really, well I think you are scared", said Freddy." You're just a coward, killing people in their dreams pfft", replied Mark." SHUT UP!" Yelled Freddy. Freddy then stabbed Mark with his claws and Mark was slowly dying." "That's what you get for disrespecting me", said Freddy." Ha ha ha ha ha ha"
All the friends woke up early the next morning to search for clues. They told Will to go wake up Mark, so he went upstairs. When he got their he saw Mark covered in blood." Oh no!" He said. He went downstairs to tell the rest. "Guys, Mark... He... He... He's dead", said Will. They all went upstairs to check." Oh my gosh!" Said Anna and Laurie." It must have been Freddy", said Paul." We have to stop him".

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