Chapter 3 - Freddy

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As they were leaving Camp Crystal Lake they saw a mysterious figure in the woods. They thought they were just hallucinating and left. When they were driving back home it was a long and boring trip, so Anna fell asleep and no one noticed. Then she was in the middle of nowhere and she became scared. Then she saw little girls using a jump rope and singing a song " One, Two, Freddy's coming for you." Then Anna started screaming hoping someone would wake her up. Just when she thought things couldn't get any worst, she saw Freddy." No no no!" Yelled Anna. Freddy approached her and he was laughing. Anna then started to cry and asked,"why do you kill people?" "Because it's fun, so so fun... You wanna know what my favorite part of killing is?"She shook her head No." Well I'm still gonna tell you anyways... It's the blood. I love seeing the blood it's my favorite part. She started to cry even more because he was very close to her and he said," I wanna see how your blood looks outside your body and I want to taste it too." She was screaming as Freddy lifted his hand when he was about to stab her, she disappeared. "What!?!?!", yelled Freddy.
Anna woke up. Her friends woke her up because they arrived back home already. She was crying, they asked,"what happened?" She replied," I saw him"." Freddy?", they asked." Yes... We can't sleep anymore we have to try and stay awake now." She said." Yeah that's how Mark died." Thank you for waking me up right when I was about to die." Said Anna. They all went back to their houses and stayed up all night.

Paul called Laurie and told her to meet him at his house. She was very tired and didn't get any sleep last night. She then grabbed a jacket and went outside to her car. When she arrived to Paul's house she saw that Will and Anna were there too. Paul told them to sit on the couch. Then Paul said," I was doing research all night and I found out that you could take Freddy out of his Dream World and into the Real World then he won't be as strong as he is in his world"." Really,how?" Asked Will." "Someone has to go to sleep and dream with Freddy as he approaches you, you have to grab him and then someone has to wake you up and he will come out with you", said Paul." Even if we do get him out, how are we going to kill him", asked Will." I don't know yet, but I'll find out sooner or later", replied Paul. Then they all went back home.

A while later Paul called them again." Guys I know how to stop him", yelled Paul. When they got there he told them they were going back to Camp Crystal Lake." Why?!?"they all said." Because remember that myth I told you guys about"." Yeah", they said." Jason is real and he murdered all those people at the camp. Apparently they don't like each other. Also, there is more people that have been having these dreams. Only a few survived and they write this stuff down. The last people also made Freddy and Jason fight after that Freddy left them alone", he said." So were basically passing it on to other people?" Asked Laurie." Umm... Yeah but at least he won't bother us anymore", he replied."He's right", said Anna. "So we're going to Camp Crystal Lake again and we're doing this plan:
1. Go to The Camp
2. One of us has to sleep
3. The rest have to catch Jason's attention
4. The one sleeping has to pull Freddy out
5. They fight
6. We leave

"Got it?", said Paul." Yes", they replied. So they got in their car and left to Camp Crystal Lake." Okay so who's gonna be the one to sleep while we are there." Asked Paul. Will and Anna both looked away trying not to be the one to sleep." I'll do it", said Laurie." You sure?" Asked Paul." Yeah", she said. Will and Anna were relieved that they weren't going to be the ones sleeping throughout the plan.

They finally arrived at Camp Crystal Lake. Laurie was nervous because she didn't know if the plan would work or not. When they got off the car they went to the cabin they were at the first time they went... Where Mark died. When they got inside Laurie fell asleep on the couch. As Paul stayed by her to wake her up when needed while Will and Anna were out trying to look for Jason. One, Two... Freddy's coming for you". Laurie was now dreaming.

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